New surgeon at G.R. Baker

Dr. Fred Jacobsohn joins surgical staff at Quesnel hospital

Dr. Jacobsohn loved Quesnel when he practiced here as a GP and is thrilled to return as a surgeon.

Dr. Jacobsohn loved Quesnel when he practiced here as a GP and is thrilled to return as a surgeon.

Dr. Fred Jacobsohn has returned to the B.C. community he loves and is practicing his surgical skills at G.R. Baker Memorial Hospital.

Originally from South Africa, Jacobsohn arrived in Canada with his wife and began practicing medicine in Castlegar, B.C. in 2004 before considering a move to Quesnel.

“Our first look at the community was in January and it was -35C,” he said with a smile.

“But we knew it could only get better.”

Jacobsohn set up his general practice in the Holley Clinic and the couple soon began making friends and settling into life in the North Cariboo small town. Their daughter was born in the Quesnel hospital.

Three years later, the doctor was offered a speciality opportunity in a surgical program back in his hometown of Capetown, South Africa.

“We had to decide quickly and it was with some sadness that we packed up and left,” he said.

“I was always interested in surgery, but it’s a difficult program to get into.”

Their’s was a five-year commitment to South Africa, however Jacobsohn remained in contact with his friends and colleagues in Quesnel.

“I made it quite clear I wanted to return to Quesnel,” Jacobsohn said.

“I liked the variety of surgeries available in a smaller hospital.”

As he was preparing for his finals, Jacobsohn found out Quesnel was losing one of its surgeons, which left an opening.

Although there would be a few months gap before Jacobsohn could be back in Quensel, Dr. Katalinic was prepared to hold the position for him.

“Surgery, even with five years training, is like an apprenticeship and I’m privileged to work with such an experienced surgeon as Dr. Katalinic,” he said.

Jacobsohn added he’s very grateful to Dr. Katalinic for keeping the surgical services going until he could make the move back to Quesnel.

“I’m happy to be be practicing as a qualified surgeon in Quesnel. It feels like home – like we never left.”

Jacobsohn also said, together with Dr. Katalinic, they are looking to build the surgical program to rival other regional hospitals.

“The community needs to know we’re very lucky to have the hospital we do with all the services offered here,” he said.

The Jacobsohns returned to Quesnel with their Canadian-born daughter and a four-year-old son, born in South Africa. Their daughter is proud to be Canadian and teased the rest of the family as they secured the paperwork necessary for coming back to Canada.

Jacobsohn said they plan to become Canadian citizens just like their daughter.

“Sometimes you have to pinch yourself; it’s gone so smoothly, the timing was great,” he said.

“I love my job, the hospital, the staff and appreciate the support from the whole community.”

Quesnel Cariboo Observer