New workshop offered: permaculture

Rising Earth Permaculture

Golden is being offered an introduction to permaculture. On June 18 and 19 from 9a.m. to 5 p.m., Rising Earth Permaculture will be offering those who attend hands-on learning of the concepts of permaculture design.

The two-day class will cover permaculture ethics, layers of a forest and succession, holmgren’s principles, zones and sectors, microclimates, inputs and outputs and positioning elements.

“The world these days seems to be rife with problems, ranging all the way from climate change to peak oil to overpopulation. Permaculture provides a logical, systematic approach to lessening each of our own ecological footprints and a knowledge base with which we can all do more to help ease the transition to a more realistic way of life.”

“Participants will come out of the workshop with a much greater understanding of permaculture and the inspiration to begin a path of local resiliency, ecological responsibility, and energy conservation. I hope, through this workshop, to plant the seed of a Designer’s Mind in each of the attendees. The mindset of a Designer who works with nature, through respectful observation, is key to the concept of permaculture and once this way of thinking is acquired it spreads to all aspects of life. This results in a much more conscious existence within our environments.”

The course costs $175 which includes lunch on both days. If you would like to join the workshop, call 250-344-0940 or email on or before June 16.

Golden Star