Oceanside artists achieve excellence

Federation of Canadian Artists has high praise for some local painters

Donna McDonnell with her first place painting, Michelle’s Table.

Donna McDonnell with her first place painting, Michelle’s Table.

Capturing light with graphite and acrylic, recreating emotional moments with pastel, and finding a groove with a series of acrylic crows, these are just some of the endeavours that have recently been rewarded within the Federation of Canadian Artists (FCA), Arrowsmith Chapter.

Members of the group submitted paintings to FCA judges in Vancouver and winners were announced Aug. 31. Pieces accepted in The gall juried dhow will be hung at The Gallery at Qualicum Art Supply, including the award-winners.

Donna McDonnell took first place with her pastel piece, Michelle’s Table. Her inspiration came from a photograph she took in her daughter Michelle’s apartment a few years ago, when her daughter had set the table for lunch with her new mother-in-law.

“I pulled out some of the pictures and it just has some emotion for me, and I thought I’m going to do this now,” she said.

Second place went to Leslie Gregory with Eventide, a graphite and acrylic piece inspired by a trip to Cape Cod. Gregory said the birds were hanging around the edge of the water and she loved the way the light hit them and the shadows that were cast.

Therese Johnston took third place with Winners in Gold, a mixed media piece of some irises she had growing. She said she loves how there’s always an element of surprise when doing experimental mixed media.

Awards of excellence went to Karen Poirier, Ros Ross and Bonnie Luchtmeijer.

Poirier did a street scene called Stamp Avenue from Port Alberni using watercolors.

She said she likes watercolors because she can layer the colours and she likes the intensity they create.

Ross’ piece Summer Morning was painted with oils and was inspired by the way the light was catching snap dragons in her garden.  Capturing light is what she loves about painting and putting shapes and marks on canvas, she said.

Luchtmeijer’s Gang of Three depicts three crows, a subject she has taken to since buying a piece of art from a friend with a crow in it.

“That started my love affair of crows for whatever reason and so now I have probably 1000 or so photographs of crows in various positions,” she said, adding her crow paintings seem to be well accepted.

The FCA Fall Juried Show will be hung from Sept. 17 to October 19 with reception Friday, Sept. 21 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Gallery at Qualicum Art Supply. For more information on the Arrowsmith FCA visit www.arrowsmithfca.ca. The Gallery is located at 101-206 W. First Avenue in Qualicum Beach.




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