On Cooking: Aphrodisiacs for Feb. 14th

The first ingredient that comes to mind is chocolate, and I am certain that many will agree.

Chef Dez.

Chef Dez.

What better time of year is there to talk about aphrodisiacs than at Valentine’s Day?

Aphrodisiacs can be foods that psychologically or scientifically help us feel, well, ‘in the mood,’” for lack of better words.

The search of the perfect combination is the desire for many on the 14th of February.

Although each person’s own food preferences play the biggest influence on this romantic journey of cuisine, we will focus on some classic ingredients that fall into this category.

The first ingredient that comes to mind is chocolate, and I am certain that many will agree.

With its velvety smooth melting texture, this sweet addition to dessert choices will usually win over any other.

Chocolate has been scientifically proven to contain ingredients such phenethylamine and serotonin: two chemicals that stimulate pleasure senses in the brain.

This, plus the natural stimulant effect from the caffeine, makes for a wonderfully seductive and addictive ingredient.

Fresh imported strawberries are usually available this time of year, and having them dipped in chocolate makes for the perfect finish to a romantic meal.

Oysters and caviar have also been considered aphrodisiacs for many years, and some argue it is because they are a good source of zinc, which contributes to maintaining male potency and fertility.

However, there are many other foods high in zinc that are not considered aphrodisiacs, such as lima beans, lentils and spinach; and I don’t believe making your sweetheart a stir-fry of these ingredients will give a romantic impression.

Cayenne pepper and spicy foods also play a large role as aphrodisiacs because they increase heart rates, blood flow, and perspiration.

Some say that endorphins are also released during this process and, thus, give one a natural high and pleasurable feeling.

Champagne or sparkling wine is considered the drink of lovers, but one can also use nonalcoholic sparkling grape juice as an alternative. Alcohol can lower ones inhibitions and, thus, be regarded as an aphrodisiac.

Regardless of what you choose to serve, staying in for a romantic dinner can be accomplished with little effort and some creative planning.

The menu you decide upon does not have to be complicated, but it should be meaningful.

Your effort should reflect the compassion you have for this person, and your thoughtfulness will be the most important ingredient.



Dear Chef Dez:

I want to make chocolate covered strawberries for dessert for a Valentine’s dinner, but the last time I tried making them it was a disaster. Even though I took them out of the refrigerator ahead of time, the chocolate was still too hard and it broke off the berries with the first bite and fell onto the plate. What am I doing wrong?

Chris D.




Dear Chris:

When melting your chocolate for dipping, melt butter in with the chocolate, as well. Room temperature butter is much softer than room temperature chocolate, and thus will create a more palatable bite and will adhere to the berries.

I normally add 50 per cent of the weight of chocolate being used with butter.


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