Parkland students shine at Heritage Fair

Several Parkland elementary school students participated in the Regional Heritage Fair at Exploration Place in Prince George in March.

The Heritage Fairs program is an education initiative designed to increase awareness and interest in Canadian history.

Ten Parkland students medalled at the event and two had their projects short listed for the Provincial Fair with another two qualifying but the program prevents students from participating at the provincial level two years in a row.

Parkland principal Selena Mell said the Heritage Fairs program offers an alternate opportunity and venue for students to present their research.

“This allows for library research projects to be put to practical use,” she said.

“It also teaches students about the significance of Canadian contributions and history.”

Mell added there are several components to the student’s projects including research, condensing, writing, visual presentation and layout, creativity and oral presentations.

As well, the projects involves several resources such as  books, CDs, Internet research, visits to local museums and live interviews.

When asked about what they enjoyed most at the regional Heritage Fair students were very forthcoming with their comments.

“I like learning but also having fun,” Grade 5 student Haeden Couturier said.

“The best part for me was the judging, I was most excited about that part.”

Grade 6 student Jared Hamelin said he thought the whole experience was wonderful.

“I liked the historical activities and getting to know everybody. I enjoyed the events at Exploration Place, being in partners and having fun,” he said.

For Alexi Christieson, Grade 5, she said having the ability to be creative with her project was the best part while Kevin Lindsay, also Grade 5, said he liked learning.

“I got to pick my subject and learn about it,” he said.

Haeden Couturier, Grade 5, Jaicie Kastrukoff, Grade 4 and Kevin Lindsay, Grade 6 received bronze medals; Jenaya Barker, Grade 7 and Olivia Baptiste, Grade 6 received silver medals; Averi Lettington, Grade 4 also received a silver medal and the B.C. Hydro Power Pioneer Award; Jared Hamelin, Grade 6 received a silver medal and a B.C. Heritage Fairs Stellar Achievement Award as well as short listed for Provincial Fair delegation; Alexi Christieson, Grade 5, received a gold medal, a B.C. Heritage Fairs Stellar Achievement Award and is also short listed for Provincial Fair delegation; Jaden Musseleman, Grade 5 also received a gold medal, a B.C. Heritage Fairs Stellar Achievement Award, was short listed for Provincial Fair delegation but as she attended last year, is ineligible for this year; and finally Shamara Leonard, Grade 7, received a gold medal, B.C. Heritage Fairs Stellar Achievement Award and was short listed for Provincial Fair delegation but also attended last year, so is ineligible for this year.

Jenaya Parker summed up her experience.

“I liked it all. I liked seeing the ideas others had for their projects and what people were doing,” she said.


Quesnel Cariboo Observer