Pastor thanks community of Clearwater for its hospitality

God determines where we live and, second, he puts us in those places specifically so that we may find him

by Pastor Mike Kiewitt, Clearwater Community Baptist Church

Acts17:26 “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us”

One of the things I noticed when I first came to Clearwater was all the For Sale signs. I was told that there are approximately 150 properties for sale. With an immediate population of around 2,500 that means a big percentage of the population is hoping to move.

For those desiring to move it can be an antagonizing wait. The question of “When will I sell?” or “What can I do to get out of here?” likely permeates one’s thoughts regularly.

I would encourage those of you who live here to ask different questions. “Why does God want me here?” and “What does he want to accomplish through my presence here?”

The verses I have posted suggest two things. First, that God determines where we live and, second, he puts us in those places specifically so that we may find him where we are.

My time here has come to an end. God has determined that I should move on and another come after me. I believe that God is working in Clearwater and will continue to do so. I also believe that those who live here will be experiencing the presence of God through Jesus Christ in a very new and powerful way. Thus those of you who live here and even feel stuck here may be here for God to not only show himself to you but also use you to reveal himself to others.

For hearts that are humble and desirous of a relationship with God it will be wonderful. It will be a dream come true. For those those that relish in their sin and degradation it will be dreadful.

May God bless you and have mercy upon you, Clearwater. I will remember you always. Thank you for your hospitality.


Clearwater Times