Pastor’s Point: When our world shakes

Our world is being shaken at it foundations. Recently, we watched the news accounts of the devastation in Japan following the 8.9-magnitude earthquake, the fifth-largest to hit the world since 1900.

  • Mar. 25, 2011 11:00 a.m.

Our world is being shaken at it foundations. Recently, we watched the news accounts of the devastation in Japan following the 8.9-magnitude earthquake, the fifth-largest to hit the world since 1900.

This was followed by a tsunami that according to some reports was up to seven metres.

In the seven days preceding March 11, there have been 53 earthquakes of at least 5.0-magnitude around the world according to the US Geological Survey.

How do we respond to such realities?

With an outpouring of compassion and humanitarian aid for our fellow man.

Staring in the face of a disaster of this magnitude one would ask, “Will my little bit help?”

The answer is YES:  every contribution, material and spiritual will help. Here is an opportunity for our world, and you, to use our vast resources to aid our fellow man in Japan. What will you do?

With thoughtfulness to the fragility of life. For each of those who lost their lives in the earthquake and the following tsunami, the day started like every other day. Which of them knew they would not see another sunrise?

We grieve with the hundreds of families that will never be the same.

We reflect on how quickly our world can be changed too.

With reflection on our inability to control our circumstances and days.  Nobody knows what tomorrow holds. You see it, people helpless before the sheer magnitude of the power of the earth. In such times it matters not whether you are rich or poor, male or female, strong or weak: all are humbled before the awesome power of God.

By listening to the foremost expert in world events, Jesus Christ. (The media is showcasing one expert after another in their news coverage, should we not ask the Creator His perspective?)

What does The expert in world events have to say?

In Matthew 24 Jesus responds to a question his disciples ask: “What sign will signal your return and the end of the world?”

Here is part of his lengthy response: As the world comes to an end “nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.”

In other words, the events in Japan have a much larger context.

Our world is experiencing birth pains which are moving us to an expected conclusion.

So how do we cope when our world is shaken to the core?

When “the force of the earthquake was so strong that it moved the Japanese island of Honshu 8 feet to the east,” said USGS geophysicist Ken Hudnut.

When we learn that it also sped up the earth’s rotation by 1.6 microseconds, according to NASA — what do you do when the ground under your feet is no longer firm? Where do you turn when the earth itself in unsafe?

Answer: God.

I can’t tell you why Japan and not us. I can’t tell you why Japan at all. But as a follower of Jesus my hope and confidence is in Him who created and (believe it or not) controls all things in this world including natural disasters.

I pray for my fellow man in Japan. I respond to their needs with my excess.

I reflect on my fragile place in this world and give thanks that not only is God my Father,  but that my Father is God!


— Paul Hawkes is a pastor at the Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church.

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