PENINSULA ZOOMERS: Cleaving for sartorial style

CARP's fashion show to benefit an all-abilities playground in White Rock takes place May 29.

I have too much cleavage.

Now, this is a ‘problem’ most women might like to have, but it does have its drawbacks.

Finding clothes to fit properly with a buxom bosom can be a challenge. Mammary modesty can be difficult to achieve when the double D girls stand at attention. Bodacious breasts can be a bother when striving for sartorial splendour.

Just ask Premier Christy Clark. A few years back, she was lambasted for showing a little cleavage in the legislature.

This feminine faux-pas was front-page news. It wasn’t like our elected leader was pilfering from the treasury or nodding off during question period. No, our Liberal lass was simply exposing her natural gifts, and I don’t mean her oratorical ones.

Coquitlam mayor, Richard Stewart, might have an opinion on the subject. He recently conducted a social experiment where he wore the same suit to council meetings for 15 months – and nobody noticed or batted an eye. He did this to highlight the double standards women in politics face when it comes to appearance.

I think our premier would agree.

Immediately after the brouhaha over her cleavage, our premier buttoned up and her feminine attributes have disappeared entirely.

And now she is getting criticism for making too much money, whether it be her salary paid by the taxpayer or a stipend from private donations.

Do you know how much the CEO of ICBC or BC Ferries make? Is there gender bias here as well?

Personally, I think the premier should get a pay raise – a whopping one! An increment large enough for her to buy an entire new wardrobe, and a personal stylist.

Her sartorial style is boring. Blazers and starched shirts… boring! She needs to add a little wow factor to her wearisome wardrobe.

And some of her BC Liberal colleagues are willing to help her!

They include Surrey MLAs Peter Fassbender, Gordon Hogg and Marvin Hunt, who will be strutting their stuff this month as models in CARP’s Panache on Parade.

This is a fashion show with a twist as it features politicians and other ‘people of interest’ as models, as CARP helps raise funds for the White Rock ‘All Abilities Park.’

Other political models include Surrey NDP MLA Sue Hammell – who has great hair by the way – and White Rock Couns. Dave Chesney, Bill Lawrence, Lynne Sinclair and Megan Knight.

Other models include Beth Kish from WRSS Hospice, Denise Darrell from Sources, Cindy Faulkner from Avalon Recovery and jeweller Jose Latchinian. Opening remarks will be made by Wayne Baldwin, mayor of White Rock.

There will be three speakers as well, including:

• Shoshana Litvack, a South Surrey resident who is legally blind and competes in marathons to raise funds for worthy causes.

• Taylor Byrom, a Langley-based designer who launched clothing line for girls who have medical and mobility challenges.

• Surrey MLA Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Children and Family Development.

The date is Sunday, May 29, 2-5 p.m. at Morgan Creek Golf Course. Tickets are $50 and available at Westminster Savings at 16 Avenue and 152 Street, or by calling 778-294-0787.

You are welcome to join us, Premier Clark, and show a little cleavage if you like.

April Lewis is the local communications director for CARP, a national group committed to a ‘New Vision of Aging for Canada.’ She writes monthly.

Peace Arch News