PENINSULA ZOOMERS: Goals for a dreamy 2017

Columnist April Lewis dares to dream, sharing her Top-10 list for 2017

‘This is a film for dreamers.”

A line from Emma Stone, in her acceptance speech for Best Actress at the recent Golden Globes for her portrayal as an aspiring actress in the movie, La La Land. The film, which won seven awards, is a musical set in Los Angeles.

It tells us it is OK to dream.

This is encouraging news considering the year we have just left behind and the uncertainty of the year to come. Turbulent times where dreams give way to massacre, devastation and fentanyl overdoses. Fear-mongering, misogynist rhetoric and contempt. The deaths of our Hollywood heroines and contemporaries.

A little dreaming might go a long way.

Another new year is upon us and as usual, we are filled with hopeful expectations and resolutions. On a personal note, I don’t make New Year’s resolutions as that way, I can’t break them. Or maybe I am just lazy.

But I can still dream.

But dream about what? Here’s my top-10 list of things I shall dream about in 2017.

Starting off the list at No. 10, it is kind of tough to top last year when I wrote and published my first book, but let’s dream there is a sophomore book inside of me somewhere.

And on that note, I hope I can find a new goal as I like to set goals for myself, be it training for a marathon or getting another degree. I am dreaming of that elusive goal for 2017.

At #8, I dream of all the seniors’ benefits I shall reap this spring when I turn 65.

I dream that occasionally I shall exchange a glass of wine for a glass of water or blueberry and pomegranate juice, as I hear these liquids are good for me.

As for dream No. 6, I could dream of an acting career. I hear the Star Wars franchise is minus one princess. Or perhaps the X-Men movie director is looking for another mutant who can morph herself into anything she dreams of.

Halfway there now. “To sleep, ah perchance to dream.” I could dream that I could dream more. If that were the case, it would mean I was sleeping more soundly. What is with this nocturnal sleep-disruption pattern? I long to be able to sleep throughout the night once again.

And coming in at No. 4, I dream of a self-cleaning house. They have self-cleaning ovens so why not a house?

Third on my dream list sees me dreaming of warmth. This bone-chilling winter to date has left me longing for the heat of the sun penetrating my old bones. By the time you read this, I will be basking in the sunny glory that is Kauai.

As we approach the end of my list, let us dream of some semblance of world peace in the form of no more senseless attacks on innocent people in my favourite cities.

And, drum roll please. Finishing off my daunting dream list at Number 1… numero uno… is I want Naked Chef Jamie Oliver to inspire me to whip up more culinary delights using super foods as he calls them. Just like the fresh salmon marinated in mango puree, lime, chili and garlic my guy prepared this weekend and served on a bed of brown rice, broccoli with a dollop of plain yogurt, chopped mint and more lime and mango cucumber salsa. Pure heaven! Hey, I did the washing up!

Me cook?

Dream on.

April Lewis is the local communications director for CARP, a national group committed to a ‘New Vision of Aging for Canada.’ She writes monthly.



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