Versailles Zayshley and Paige Latta perform with other members of the Sadok Ukrainian Dance Ensemble at the Ukrainian Food Festival at Pleasant Valley Christian Academy, an annual event during Vernon Winter Carnival.

Versailles Zayshley and Paige Latta perform with other members of the Sadok Ukrainian Dance Ensemble at the Ukrainian Food Festival at Pleasant Valley Christian Academy, an annual event during Vernon Winter Carnival.

Perogies help warm up winter

  • Feb. 25, 2011 2:00 p.m.

Jill Rhynard

Special to The Morning Star

Who would work literally hundreds of hours organizing an event that would assist four Grade 9 students to go on a mission trip? Pleasant Valley Christian Academy (PVCA) that’s who! 

Staff and volunteers organized the Second Annual Ukrainian Food Festival as part of Winter Carnival with the intent that a portion of the profits would be used to assist their students with mission trip costs.

The gymnasium was packed with people who weren’t going to let eight inches of snow stop them from an enjoyable evening. You entered a gym that was transformed from a utilitarian space to one of twinkling lights and intricate Ukrainian tablecloths on the tables. 

From the first spoonful of borscht, to the last bite of poppy seed cake, the food was absolutely delicious. Students, dressed in black and white, waited on the tables. One-half of the dinner proceeds will go to the mission trip, while the other half will go towards playground equipment.

Following the sumptuous meal, we were entertained by the Sadok Ukrainian Dance Ensemble. Wearing huge smiles and outfits that represented various regions, the adults seemed to glide over the floor while the youngest dancers were just a joy and delight to watch. The big question was, “How did they do that?”

The silent auction was a huge success and PVCA is grateful to each of the businesses and individuals that donated towards the auction. Your generosity is so appreciated. Thank you also to the individuals who purchased items. All of the silent auction proceeds will go to the mission trip.

Vernon City Councillor Dr. Shawn Lee and his wife joined us for the evening, as did Queen Silver Star Aksana Skrinnikoff and Princess Kaitlyn Chirkoff.

“Thanks to everyone — the Ukrainian Food Festival is a great way to combine culture, hospitality, and fundraising,” said PVCA principal Juanita Neal.

Be sure to include this event on your Winter Carnival to-do list for 2012!


Vernon Morning Star