Plant trees for biodiversity

Put your boots on and head over to the Camp River Wildlife Area for some treeplanting on April 16, near the confluence of the Hope Slough and Camp Slough on Camp River Road.

  • Apr. 13, 2011 5:00 a.m.

Celebrate Earth Day a little early this month.

Put your boots on and head over to the Camp River Wildlife Area for some treeplanting on April 16, near the confluence of the Hope Slough and Camp Slough on Camp River Road.

Everyone is invited to plant a native shrub to enhance biodiversity at this nature site. The shrubs have been chosen to aid insect pollinators, butterfly and bird use and are provided by BC Nature. Young and old are welcome and lunch will be provided by the Chilliwack Field Naturalists.

Planting starts on Saturday April 16 at 10 a. m. For more information contact Lee at 604-858-5141 or

Chilliwack Progress