Points to ponder – the sure cure for the Bobby Boos

Remember, today’s victories are only won by shaking off yesterday’s failures and focusing on tomorrow’s prize.

Ever since Vancouver Canucks fans riotously surrendered defeat to the 2011 Stanley Cup Champions, the Boston Bruins, the sounds in Rogers Arena have drastically changed.

Last year, Canucks fans hollered “LU!” with every save by goaltender Roberto Luongo (A.K.A. “Bobby Lu”), but this year they are hollering “BOO!” after Bobby Lu’s many failed attempts to mind his net.

Buried beneath the Bobby Boos, diehard Canucks fans are really asking where is the Bobby Lu who led Canada to the 2010 Olympic gold and who kept the Canucks in the lead last season?  So while Canucks fans and critics debate what should we do with Bobby Lu, the real question begging an answer is what should Bobby Lu do with the Bobby Boos?  For sports psychologists contend that it is mission impossible for the likes of Bobby Lu to mind their nets until they first mind their thoughts.

Employing the sports psychology of the Olympians of his ancient day, the Apostle Paul encouraged every Bobby Lu with the following:

“One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14).

Are you feeling like Bobby Lu lately? Not sure what to do with the Bobby Boos?

Remember, today’s victories are only won by shaking off yesterday’s failures and focusing on tomorrow’s prize. Timeless advice for Bobby Lu and you, wouldn’t you say?

— Contributed by Rev. Rob Bedard, Bethel Tabernacle

Ladysmith Chronicle