Pokemon Go comes to Revelstoke

Pokemon Go, the ridiculously popular mobile video game, is now available in Revelstoke.

Numerous Revelstoke locations are part of Pokemon Go.

Numerous Revelstoke locations are part of Pokemon Go.

Revelstoke, watch out for mindless zombies walking around, staring at their phones, lost in a world of strange creatures.

Pokemon Go, the ridiculously popular mobile video game, is now available in Canada, and the creatures can be found in numerous Revelstoke locations.

I only took a cursory look at the game and so far I don’t quite understand it. I caught something called a Bulbasaur at the Revelstoke Review office, but I don’t know if we’re an actual Pokemon stop, or if it was just a tutorial.

There’s a Pokemon gym at the cenotaph and the Revelstoke Lodge, Revelstoke Museum and Cube Hostel are also locations in the game.

One interesting phenomenon is small businesses taking advantage of being a Pokemon stop to attract customers. We’d be interested to hear from any local businesses using the game as a promotional tool.

If you’re playing the game, let us know what you find in town in the comments below.

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