Orv Robson, David Cassidy, presenting sponsor Tom Budd and Cst. Jacques Lefebvre of the Summerland RCMP detachment were on hand at the Summerland RCMP detachment to welcome the Cops for Kids riders on Friday afternoon. Robson offered a donation of $500 on behalf of the Penny Lane Society and Cassidy presented them with a cheque from the Summerland Rotary Club for the amount of $300. Budd pledged to match any donations made.

Orv Robson, David Cassidy, presenting sponsor Tom Budd and Cst. Jacques Lefebvre of the Summerland RCMP detachment were on hand at the Summerland RCMP detachment to welcome the Cops for Kids riders on Friday afternoon. Robson offered a donation of $500 on behalf of the Penny Lane Society and Cassidy presented them with a cheque from the Summerland Rotary Club for the amount of $300. Budd pledged to match any donations made.

Police raise funds to help children

The Cops for Kids ride made a stop at the Summerland RCMP building on Friday afternoon.

The Cops for Kids ride made a stop at the Summerland RCMP building on Friday afternoon.

Cops for Kids are dedicated RCMP members and support people of the RCMP Southeast District. They are committed to assisting children that are in medical, physical or traumatic crisis within the Southern Interior Region of British Columbia. The charitable foundation provides limited, short-term financial assistance to these children.

While they hold many fundraisers throughout the year, their signature event is the Cops for Kids Ride. This gruelling 10-day, 1,000-kilometre cycling journey across Southeastern B.C. takes them over some very challenging terrain.

Although the cyclists may find the ride hard and may hurt at the end of each day, they realize that the children they are riding for face even greater challenges, for a much longer period of time.

This year’s ride began Sept. 5 and continues to Sept. 14. It includes stops in communities all along the way. Overnight stops are scheduled for Osoyoos, Grand Forks, Castlegar, Nelson, Creston, Cranbrook, Three Valley Gap, Kamloops, Vernon and Kelowna.


Summerland Review