Pop on in for annual Bubbles on the Beach

Corks will be popping Saturday night as The Beach Club Resort in Parksville hosts its annual Bubbles on the Beach sparkling wine event.

The Beach Club’s Dave Paul opens a sparking wine bottle with a saber — a tradition likely to be repeated at this year’s Bubbles on the Beach.

The Beach Club’s Dave Paul opens a sparking wine bottle with a saber — a tradition likely to be repeated at this year’s Bubbles on the Beach.

Corks will be popping Saturday night as The Beach Club Resort in Parksville hosts its annual Bubbles on the Beach premier sparkling wine event.

This is the fourth year for the fizzy affair which offers guests the opportunity to enjoy some great sparkling wines as well as other beverages paired with food fit for a king.

Over the years champagne has been the heart of special occasions … toasting weddings and launching ships and although the word champagne is often used to describe sparkling wine, the term is really meant for the bubbly selections that actually come from the Champagne region of France.

That being said a good glass of bubbly does not need to have a chateau tacked onto its name in order to be considered high in quality and some amazing sparkling wines will be uncorked on Saturday, September 1.

Shawna Broekhuizen, general manager of The Beach Club Resort said as well as British Columbia wines there will also be some European wines represented.

“This year we have mixed it up a bit and it won’t just be bubbles.  We also have wine for people who prefer that,” she pointed out.

For those who like their libations shaken and ice cold there will be a martini luge.

The casual affair will take place outside and guests can look forward to a smouldering evening of sparkling wine, food, jazz music and of course some champagne sabering. Broekhuizen learned how to saber when she was part of the Whistler wine festival 10 years ago and although she makes it look easy, she said in order for it work there are certain steps you have to follow.

“I have been doing it for 11 years now.  There is a technique … the bottle has to be upside down on the ice and you rub the knife on the seam of the bottle.”

Although Canadians aren’t as enthusiastic as the Europeans are for drinking sparkling wines, Broekhuizen admitted she would like to change that because she can’t say enough good things about B.C. wineries.

“They are beautiful and a lot of the one’s that will be at our event are beautiful.”

Broekhuizen admitted they are lucky to have such a stunning backdrop to promote the regions bounty and hosting such events is a great way to showcase the Oceanside area and what Parksville has to offer.

“It is good for the destination. It brings awareness to the area and is good for tourism.”

As guests sip bubbly under the stars, they will be entertained with live music from students who are part of Wellington Senior Secondary School’s jazz program in Nanaimo, under the direction of Carmella Luvisotto.

Past events have featured the lovely Jessica Phillips, whose body was airbrushed with modern body art.

This year artist Jeff King will be putting his artistic touches on a model who will be introduced for the first time.

“We are going to showcase a new model Saturday night and that will be pretty exciting,” exclaimed Broekhuizen.

There will be many culinary creations served throughout the evening including fresh oysters presented by Denman Island shellfish producers Hollie Wood Oysters.

Gordon Food Services (GFS) Chris Vandepeear who has been a consulting chef at The Beach Club over past month will be also be hosting a food station.

Along with the numerous seafood stations that include a shellfish bake and lobster bisque there will also be a roasted pig on a spit.

Chocolate will be just one of the finishing touches to wrap up the evening and at 9 p.m. DJ Travis James Smith will be spinning tunes in the restaurant.

The sparkling wine event takes place at Pacific Prime Steak and Chop Restaurant’s beach front patio just steps away from the Parksville beach.

Champagne and celebrations go hand in hand so if you haven’t made Labour Day long-weekend plans yet why not raise a glass to the last long weekend of summer.

Corks will start popping at 6:30 p.m. Saturday night. For ticket information call 250-248-8999.


Parksville Qualicum Beach News