The Vernon Ministerial Association holds Greater Vernon’s first prayer breakfast May 24 at the Vernon Lodge. (Photo submitted)

The Vernon Ministerial Association holds Greater Vernon’s first prayer breakfast May 24 at the Vernon Lodge. (Photo submitted)

Prayer breakfast is in the works

Canada celebrates 150, Vernon 125 years — 2017 is also the year for Vernon’s first prayer breakfast

  • Apr. 16, 2017 7:00 p.m.

Vernon Ministerial Association

This year represents Canada’s 150th birthday and Vernon’s 125th, but it will also be notable for Greater Vernon’s first prayer breakfast.

What’s a prayer breakfast? It’s a concept that began in Seattle, Wash. in 1935 when that city was grappling with corruption issues and abuse of the poor, prompting community leaders to consider the need for spiritual resources — in the form of prayer — in addressing the challenges of the day.

Not long after, in 1941, the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives held their first congressional prayer breakfast, which, in modern history, has also been attended by the president and his cabinet.

This movement eventually spread to more than 100 countries including Canada, whose first annual National Prayer Breakfast was held in Ottawa in 1964.

Soon, major cities across Canada launched annual civic prayer breakfasts in which the leaders of local churches would meet with civic leaders — mayors, MPs, MLAs and representatives from first responders (police, fire, ambulance) — to honour their service and to offer prayers for their city.

In Greater Vernon’s first prayer breakfast, the Vernon Ministerial is inviting input from civic leaders to identify key areas of concern, which will then be incorporated into prayers offered on behalf of the community.

The keynote speaker at this inaugural event will be Rob Parker, founding director of the National House of Prayer in Ottawa. Rob also happens to be a former pastor of Vernon’s Community Baptist Church, and carries a special concern for — and appreciation of — the Greater Vernon area.

The Greater Vernon Prayer Breakfast will be held May 24, 2017 from 8 to 9:30 a.m. at the Vernon Lodge & Conference Centre.

Tickets are available at $35 per person by email at, by phone at 250-545-2927 or directly from the Vernon Lodge until May 18.

Vernon Morning Star