Project Hope looking for community partners

Join the move to building a better community

Left to right: Rona zone manager Alvin Williams, Project Hope’s Rebekkah Harding, Integris’ Julie Carlson and WRC executive director Melanie McDonald discussed the upgrades to the building.

Left to right: Rona zone manager Alvin Williams, Project Hope’s Rebekkah Harding, Integris’ Julie Carlson and WRC executive director Melanie McDonald discussed the upgrades to the building.

Join the move to building a better community

Rebekkah Harding has a vision. She envisions gaining community momentum through partnering with sponsors, both businesses and individuals who want to be involved long term in building a better community for Quesnel.

With the fourth Freedom 2011 conference taking shape for October, Harding is building on Freedom 2010 Be the Change with Project Hope.

“A project will evolve from each conference,” she said.

“This year we’re working on a makeover in June for the Women’s Resource Centre.

With a project like this, Harding knows it will take many partners including businesses, skilled and unskilled volunteers for the actual work and donations to purchase materials. She’s hoping community-minded people will step forward to help ensure the success of this project.

“We aim to bring all sectors of the community together to affect the change.”

On board from the first conference three years ago, Integris Credit Union takes pride in partnering in the Freedom seminars and associated projects.

“Integris is proud to have been an integral part of the Freedom events planned for our community,” Integris’ Julie Carlson said.

“Our involvement started out as a sponsor and also

as participants speaking in areas of expertise.

“Several of our employees have taken on assisting with the planning and then following through with the culmination of the events.”

Carlson added Integris employees involved find these conferences to be valuable to women from all walks of life – women celebrating women and their achievements.

“This past year Project Hope was initiated and we

are all excited to be able to give back to our community,” she said.

“The Women’s Resource Centre is the heart of reaching out to women and children in need which in turn speaks to what freedom is all about.”

Harding approached the Women’s Resource Centre to discuss what their needs were.

Executive director Melanie McDonald thought it was wonderful and

said the centre certainly had lots of projects.

“Without operational funding we struggle with building upkeep and maintenance,” she said.

She went on to say the projects that immediately came to mind were floors and windows.

“We can see outside through the cracks in some of the window frames and it’s pretty drafty in some areas,” McDonald said.

“We also need to replace our hot water tank and a washer and dryer would be a real asset, primarily for our Luna Health Clinic.”

She added it’s wonderful to have a group like Project Hope, so generous and community-minded and it’s great they’re seeking partners like Rona to help make those projects possible.

“The Women’s Resource Centre provides a valuable service to the community and we have, over the years, been the recipient of generous assistance from several groups,” McDonald said.

“We have always felt supported by the community in the work we do.”

In seeking partners, Harding spoke with Alvin Williams,

zone manager for Rona.

“Rona is a very socially-conscious company and

Project Hope fits with our mandate

to help build a stronger community,” he said.

“We’re certainly on board and supportive of the project.

“Our level of involvement will begin with help costing the materials, including budget and reduction in the cost of the goods.”

Williams said when Harding approached him it was an opportunity, through his position with Rona, to help support this project and potential future projects.

Those interested in partnering in Project Hope can visit the Facebook page PROJECT HOPE QUESNEL 2011 for information and sign up, e-mail or phone 250-255-7404.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer