Quesnel Art Gallery features Kevin Krueger’s work

The show Canadian Graphite is a diverse blend of still life, automotive images and artist's personal journey

Kevin Krueger’s work is this month’s solo show.

Kevin Krueger’s work is this month’s solo show.

Since the age of 5, Kevin Krueger has expressed himself through art. Encouraged by his grandmother, who he described as artsy and a potter, Kevin received presents of arts supplies and drawing material.

“I remember wearing grandpa’s big shirts as I painted,” he said with a grin.

Krueger’s current work is the subject of this month’s Quesnel Art Gallery show at the Arts and Rec Centre, with a variety of subjects but virtually every piece is executed with pencils.

“I use many grades of pencils to achieve various tones of grey and black,” he said.

After high school, where he achieved straight As in art, Krueger stopped drawing for about 15 years.

“I missed it, but life got in the way,” he said.

A move to the South Cariboo launched the artist back into the art world and he began that journey with pen and ink.

“I went through a phase of pen and ink of old buildings, with as much detail as possible,” he said.

And that is an understatement. The detail in Krueger’s work almost defies comprehension. Every last corner of the work shows an attention to detail not often found anywhere.

“The detail drives me to the edge of obsessive/compulsive but that’s what it takes to pull the detail out,” he asserted.

When asked how he knows when a piece is finished, Krueger paused and then smiled.

“Sometimes I think I’m finished but then come back later and begin adding more detail,” he said.

“However, once I sign it, it’s finished.”

In the gallery collection it’s easy to see Krueger’s passion for vintage hotrods and other classic vehicles, which he explains comes from 35 years in the auto parts business but there are also glimpses into other worlds, including his first foray into creating buildings. But possibly the two celebrity portraits of Liz Taylor and Marilyn Monroe demand the most explanation.

“I wanted to challenge myself,” he simply said.

Once he relocated to Quesnel, Krueger began to tie his two hobbies together, photography and art.

“The one enhances the other,” he said.

With a beautifully executed violin and a still life from Barkerville, the show is well worth a browse.

Krueger admitted capturing the chrome and reflections on vehicles is still challenging his skills but the work is evidence he’s winning the battle.

This is Krueger’s first solo art show and he said it’s very different seeing your work in a gallery.

“It blew me away.”

To view his work online visit redbubble.com where his work is for sale, or contact the artist, 250-983-5549.

“I’m also available for commissions,” he said.

His show, Canadian Graphite, hangs

until the end of September and the show is sponsored by Cariboo Peat and Gravel and Motherlode Wash.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer