Raising funds to go to India

100 Mile House resident Rebecca Schulte has been busy raising funds for her upcoming trip to India

Rebecca Schulte was raising funds for her trip to India with Developing World Connections and its host partner Youth Touch at the recent Cariboo Christian School Christmas market. Schulte has raised half of the $3,500 required for the trip, so she can help build a boarding house for underprivileged children.

Rebecca Schulte was raising funds for her trip to India with Developing World Connections and its host partner Youth Touch at the recent Cariboo Christian School Christmas market. Schulte has raised half of the $3,500 required for the trip, so she can help build a boarding house for underprivileged children.

Children and women in India need help, and 100 Mile House resident Rebecca Schulte has been busy raising funds for her upcoming trip to India with the organization Developing World Connections (DWC).

“I saw the information while walking through Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops in September,” says Schulte.

“We are going to build a boarding house for underprivileged children, whose parents cannot afford to feed or house them, and orphans.”

DWC host partner, Youth Touch, states Schulte’s team will probably be working on a construction site to build a children’s home. The team will be working just outside of the town of Sikar.

Youth Touch states it has decided to have this children’s home close to their camp, so the volunteers can help the children in their day-to-day work, including doing their homework and recreation.

During her stay, Schulte, 20, says she is expecting to help with construction, as well as provide basic literacy skills to the children and women of the village. She notes there is a need for English and skills, such as sewing, will help provide employment for the women.

Women could make things to sell to the tourists, she adds.

“Possibly then they could provide for themselves as well as their families.”

DWC communication co-ordinator Sarah Johnstone says that although DWC serves on four continents in 13 countries, this is the first time the organization will be working in that region.

She adds this trip can accommodate up to 20 volunteers between the ages of 16 and 29, and so far, 11 people are signed up to go in May.

Schulte has raised half of the necessary $3,500 to go on the trip by holding various fundraisers, such as hotdog sales, offering mini manicures and pedicures, and participating in the Christian School Christmas market on Dec. 3.

There is a need for care packages similar to the Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes, such as school supplies, toys, T-shirts, toothbrushes, soap and small musical instruments, she adds.

“I plan on holding more fundraisers, such as offering mani-pedicures in January for donations.”

People are welcome to call Schulte at 250-395-4249 or for more information on DWC or to donate to Schulte online, visit www.developingworldconnections.org.


100 Mile House Free Press