Matt Mosteller climbing in the Rocky Mountains.

Matt Mosteller climbing in the Rocky Mountains.

RCR’s Matt Mosteller – A job in perspective

The Free Press caught up with Mosteller at the Lizard Creek Lodge, where we asked him what inspired his Fernie stoke.

  • Mar. 7, 2016 5:00 a.m.

“I try my best to share the goodness and positivity that one can gain from spending time in nature. [What’s] real important is listening everyday to our team, to guests and finding ways to always get better, enhance our skiing and riding experience. The wonders of the sharing economy make this bond magical,” said Matt Mosteller, Vice President, Marketing & Sales Resorts of the Canadian Rockies, or as he calls himself, RCR’s ‘Chief Storyteller.’

The Free Press caught up with Mosteller at the Lizard Creek Lodge at Fernie Alpine Resort, where we asked him what inspired his Fernie stoke.

“People, passion and this incredible natural place. Big smiles are everywhere here. You can’t blame them, as there is so much incredibly good energy, amazingly passionate people doing what they love in Mother Nature’s paradise. Now this a real good place to be,” he answered.

“I’ve been with RCR for over 17 years and what an amazing journey it has been. So fortunate and grateful for the incredible team and so thankful for the wonderful skiing and riding community we have,” he said.

RCR’s Chief Storyteller has made his lifestyle his career.

“I basically did every seasonal job in the ski industry you could possibly do. I never gave up, was always having fun, enjoying each step of the way, and here I am. I did not get a job. I made it my life, my mountain lifestyle, what I do.”

When asked about the best run at the hill he answered, “There are so many favourite runs. The variety of terrain here is amazing. Right now I love all of the nooks and crannies that harbour powdery fresh long after the storm.”

Matt Mosteller


Mosteller enjoys summers in Fernie as much as the winters.

“Adventure abounds here – fly fishing, hiking, summertime can’t be beat. Whatever adventure you could want is here.”

The outdoors, and the sport and lifestyle industry that surrounds it, have captivated him for as long as he can remember.

“The ability of nature to calm and relax is so powerful,” he said. “Incredible people, you don’t find people in this industry complaining around the water cooler. We are so fortunate for all the passion in our industry and people who live life to the fullest.”

Mosteller worked his way up in the skiing community, with a background in couch surfing and ski bumming.

“I majored in ‘ski bumming’ – it taught me so many life lessons. Like respect and to treat everyone with kindness and care, as the ski bum road can sometimes be long and you never know when you might need a place to stay or a meal. Laugh always, be playful and always have a positive attitude. Building trust is vital to anything meaningful, life is built on learning from your adventures. Learn from the past but don’t worry about it, enjoy each step today and have goals for the future but don’t worry about it,” he said. “Just keep making forward progress everyday. You will have some rough waters, but I am so fortunate for incredible family, friends and team as they provide so much care and support. Also one last thing, never lose your inner child, always be learning something new, and challenge yourself everyday.”


The Free Press