Members of the Faith Rebekah Lodge take a break from preparing chili during the Festival of Lights on Friday evening. To the left of the stove are D. A. Cole, president of Rebekahs Assembly of B.C., Patti Allan, Jean Mooney and in front Sharon Stone. To the right of the stove are Daisy Houndle, Janet Braid, Frances Beulah, Marilyn Anderson and in front Olive Hunter.

Members of the Faith Rebekah Lodge take a break from preparing chili during the Festival of Lights on Friday evening. To the left of the stove are D. A. Cole, president of Rebekahs Assembly of B.C., Patti Allan, Jean Mooney and in front Sharon Stone. To the right of the stove are Daisy Houndle, Janet Braid, Frances Beulah, Marilyn Anderson and in front Olive Hunter.

Rebekahs prepare chili to warm festival crowd

It was a chilly night for those attending Summerland’s Festival of Lights, and Chili Night for the ladies of the Faith Rebekah Lodge.

It was a chilly night for those attending Summerland’s Festival of Lights, and Chili Night for the ladies of the Faith Rebekah Lodge.

For 10 years, they have cooked and served chilli to festival goers, at the IOOF (Independent Order of Odd Fellows) Hall, with proceeds going towards high school bursaries.

Interior Health has certified the hall’s kitchen and the ladies who cook the chili have Food Safe certificates and follow one recipe, explained Sharon Stone.

“With the latest scares about beef, this year we had all the meat brought in fresh and ground by IGA. They gave it to us for a wonderful price. They are real supporters,” she said.

When asked as to how they know how much to cook, she answered, “We don’t know. Some years there is some left and last year we ran out. We just keep feeding until it’s gone.”

Summerland’s Rebekah Lodge #32 was formed in 1935.

The hall was once an old Gartrell building. It was moved up to its current location from Lowertown, expanded on and turned into a lodge hall. It is now jointly owned by the Summerland Rebekahs and the Odd Fellows Grand Lodge.

“Our little group of 26 members keep that little hall going. It is amazing,” said Stone.

A renovation of the basement and new flooring on the main floor are planned for the near future. The hall is rented out to groups and individuals for small gatherings, in order to keep it profitable.

The future of the Rebekahs will depend on new membership in the years to come. In order to join one must “have a firm belief in a Supreme Being,” Stone explained. “We’re not saying you have to belong to a church, but you must have that spiritual sense. We say the Lord’s Prayer every time we meet. It gives us a bond. We’re sisters.”

Their motto is Friendship, Love and Truth and they hope that through the application of these principles in their daily lives they can make a difference in their communities and in the world.

For more information contact Frances Beulah at 250-494-1411 or go to or e-mail

If you know a positive story about someone in our community, contact Carla McLeod at or contact the Summerland Review newsroom at 250-494-5406.


Summerland Review