Recipe: Make a lovely quiche

Ellen Lewers shares her Farmhouse Recipes using fresh local ingredients

Spring is here and the chickens are pecking at all that lovely green grass and eating those worms in the early morning rain.

The spinach is growing along with the herbs. The egg yolks are golden in colour.

Now is the time to make a lovely quiche.

Quiche can be simple with or without a crust.


Prepare a simple pie crust, place in 10” pie plate, prick with a fork and fill with the filling below:


Beat 6 to 8 large golden eggs. Set aside.

pick fresh spinach

chop 1/2 onion or cup of chives

2 tbsp. chopped oregeno

a pinch of salt and pepper

feta cheese

Chopped dried tomatoes

Saute spinach in pan with oil until just limp and onions clear. Mix in with eggs and add 1/4 cup chopped feta cheese and 8 slices chopped dried tomatoes.

Put into pie plate and bake at 350’ F for 1 hour. Variations are: bake without crust in a baking dish or make with ham, cheese and egg, or whatever is growing in your garden or available at market.

Saute swiss chard with a little onion and add to egg with or without some swiss cheese.

The Country Market is opening this coming weekend at on Otter Point Road.

Submitted by Ellen Lewers

Sooke News Mirror