Recovering addict thankful for help

Psalm 23 Transition Society graduate helping others now

  • Oct. 23, 2014 12:00 p.m.
Brad Arthurs

Brad Arthurs

By Reg Berrington

Every once in a while we have a resident who takes the time to write about the changes in their lives. Brad Arthurs graduated from the Psalms 23 Transition Society and is now an employee of Psalms 23 and assisting others to change their lives.

Brad’s letter:

This is to the people in the Cariboo and beyond.

I didn’t know how to thank the community and people who have helped me change my life. I am a recovering addict and without the help of so many people I would not have become a productive member of society.

You probably don’t know how many people you help when you donate something whether it is your time, money or just to say a friendly “Hi.”

I lost both my parents before I was a teenager. I’ve lived in group homes, shelters, on the streets and in a tent along a river bank for about a year in Alberta.

I came to B.C. from Calgary in August 2013 for help with my addiction. I had nothing – no clothes (except for what I was wearing), no hope, no money and a broken jaw.

My sister, Rhoda, asked me if I wanted help with my addiction. I said yes. She told me about a program at Psalms 23, which I agreed to try as I had nothing to lose.

Rhoda bought me a bus ticket to Psalms. I was given some food for my trip, as well as some cigarettes.

When I arrived, my sister bought me clothes and toiletries. God was already providing for me. I didn’t know where Psalms 23 was or what to expect; I was alone and scared.

When I arrived at Psalms, I first had to do an intake, which was very professionally done. After the intake, I found Psalms to be more like a home.

I’ve been here a year and plan to stay on as a support staff. Psalms has a vision to turn 59 Mile into “The Village of Hope” with the help of the community and a lot of help from God. I wish to be here to see “The Village of Hope” come true.

I would to thank Marvin and Shelly, Rick and Psalms 23, Mike, Larry, Dave and Vickki, Pastor Vicky, Pastor Dennis, Pastor Rick, Doug, Lawrence, CCLF and the New Wine Deliverance Church.

Forever thankful

Brad Arthurs

Reg Berrington is a volunteer with the Psalm 23 Transition Society and this is part 3 of an ongoing series on Psalm 23.


100 Mile House Free Press