Summerland IGA owner Colin Powell and Pat Wand prepare to receive recyclables at a container in the parking lot near Summerland IGA. The materials will be received each Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Proceeds will go to charities in Summerland.

Summerland IGA owner Colin Powell and Pat Wand prepare to receive recyclables at a container in the parking lot near Summerland IGA. The materials will be received each Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Proceeds will go to charities in Summerland.

Recyclables collected for local charities

Recyclables will be collected at the Summerland IGA each week to raise money for the Summerland Food Bank and other community organizations.

Beginning on Sunday, recyclables will be collected at the Summerland IGA each week to raise money for the Summerland Food Bank and other community organizations.

Pat Wand, who also organizes a similar collection drive at the Penticton IGA store each Saturday, has set up the container unit in cooperation with IGA owner and manager Colin Powell.

Powell said half the proceeds from the collections will go to support the Summerland Food Bank. The rest will go to organizations including Critteraid, the Summerland Health Care Auxiliary and others.

“Every cent goes to the community, here or in Penticton,” Wand said. “Nothing goes outside of the community.”

Wand started the collections in Penticton five years ago, with a donation bin open every Saturday. Initially, she collected recyclables worth around $20 a day. Since that time, the volume of recyclables has increased to as much as $400 a day.

Powell said the recyclable collection bin is a partnership between the store and Wand.

Beverage containers except for milk containers will be accepted at the bin.

The service will be open each Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


Summerland Review