Regional training workshops and community conversations

Provincial organizations are coming to offer regional training and to engage us in community conversations.

It is time to learn something new, so sign up for regional workshops on offer.

Provincial organizations are coming to our community on Jan. 28 and Feb. 13 to offer regional training and to engage us in community conversations.

On Jan. 28, the morning session will feature a facilitator from AVRBC, the Administrators of Volunteer Resources BC.

The topic is protecting volunteers and organizations by providing practical strategies for applying risk management principles. The cost is $15.

If your non-proft works with children or vulnerable adult populations, come for the lunch session. The cost is $20.

Volunteer BC will present information about the new BC Ministry of Justice’s Criminal Records Review (CRR) process.

You will learn how the CRR differs from the RCMP criminal record check to help you make an informed decision about which process best suits your needs.

During the afternoon, learn about the regional and provincial results of the BC Non-Profits Survey conducted by SPARC BC. The session cost is $15.

Connect with other non-profits and build your network. You know non-profits are pivotal to our quality of life and economy, but the role and contribution of non-profits is often not well understood.

Help build a shared understanding of the contribution of your organization, and the impact of non-profits. Share your knowledge, insight, stories and experience, and join us in a lively conversation.

On Feb. 13, Vantage Point will be offering an opportunity for senior not-for-profit leaders with HR responsibilities to attend a roundtable event supported by the Labour Market Partnership’s ‘Step Up BC’ initiative.

During your free lunch, an HR expert will provide a short presentation on an HR topic related to performance management and engagement, which will be followed by a facilitated roundtable discussion.

To register for these workshops, please go to, Community Services, Workshops and Training.

Kelowna Capital News