Downtown Golden, BC. The Golden Cleaners and Laundromat is the second building from the right.

Downtown Golden, BC. The Golden Cleaners and Laundromat is the second building from the right.

Relive some of the memories found in the Stars

Looking back through the Golden Stars stored in the vault at the Golden Museum is a time consuming but rewarding task.

Looking back through the Golden Stars stored in the vault at the Golden Museum is a time consuming but rewarding task.

It lets me personally; relive moments that were meaningful from my childhood while sharing with you the history of the area. In this particular article I am sharing directly from the columns of the Golden Star, some of the key information our collective built heritage from 50 years ago.

With the completion of the TransCanada Highway in 1962 more travelers that ever were passing through the area and by 1963 entrepreneurs starting planning and building.

The Golden Star – May 2, 1963.

Saturday, May 4th is Opening Day for two Golden ventures, the new Medical Clinic Building and Gene’s Broasted Chicken, both choosing this day to start operations.

Gene’s Broasted Chicken will be offering take out service of fried chicken, broasted potatoes, salad and buns. This new business is located at the Kicking Horse Texaco Service on the TransCanada Highway.

The Medical Clinic Building is a new structure erected on River Street across from the Golden General Hospital. Built by Burnham Construction Ltd. for Dr. Lapp, Dr. Taylor and Dr. Trott, it is a one-storey brick building measuring 72 X 51 feet and will contain examination rooms, consultation rooms and lobby.

The Golden Star – May 23, 1963.

Another business started in Golden last week with the opening of the Rondo Inn by John Anderson.

Rondo Inn, which is located in the former clinic building, has been renovated by Mr. Anderson and fitted to supply the requisites of the traveling public.

Accommodation at the Inn will be for overnight visitors only and the rooms will not be rented on a monthly basis.

The Golden Star – June 27, 1963.

Modern Motel Opened. The A.R.L. Motel, new 40 unit two-storey structure on Tenth Avenue East opened for business of Wednesday.

Attractively faced with stone, the motel is a frame and block building.

The 40 units are modern in every respect and complete with wall to wall carpeting, telephone and television.

The motel is U-shaped with off-street parking in the square. To the right of the square is the office and living quarters of the owners, A.E. Wescott, R. Gould, and L. Paulini.

The Golden Star – June 27, 1963.

Drive-In Opens Monday. The Alpine Drive-In Theatre (one mile east on the TransCanada and opposite the Standard Service Station on the hill) will open with a pre-opening Sunday Midnight Show. “Black Sunday.”

This is a horror drama and therefore adult entertainment. Gates will open at 11:00 p.m. and the show will start at 12:01 a.m.

The Drive-In Theatre will be managed by Steve Zaharachuk and the projectionist will be Walter Schildknecht.

The Golden Star – August 22, 1963.

A branch of the Bank of Montreal was opened in Golden last week when Geo. E. Marrs, chairman of the Village Council, cut a ribbon at the doorway of the bank at 10 o’clock on Monday. Temporary quarters were obtained in the building formerly housing the offices of Triangle Motors at 412-6th Ave E. and the bank officially opened Monday morning.

The Golden Star – August 29, 1963.

Another new business was opened unofficially last week when the Sportsman Motel began renting units. Bill Machuk of Radium Junction is owner-manager.

Located off the Trans-Canada Highway near Kicking Horse Texaco Service, the new motel has 32 units. All have wall-to-wall carpentry and shower and bath with electrically heated water. Each unit has thermostatically controlled heating and features the new electric ceiling heat.

The Golden Star – Oct. 17, 1963.

The Laundromat owned by Golden Cleaners was opened this week and will be open for business from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.

Located in a one-storey building erected next door to the Golden Cleaners dry cleaning plant, the new Laundromat is equipped with RCA Whirlpool washers which feature a full thirty minute cycle.

The Golden Star – Oct. 14, 1963.

The Golden Arms Motor Hotel will be officially opened on Friday, Oct 24th when Jim Chabot, MLS for Columbia will declare the new 50 unit establishment opened. Situated near the C.P.R. depot, the hotel is built adjacent to the historical site formerly known as “The Cache.”

The Golden Star – Nov. 14, 1963.

The Alexander Park Elementary School opens its doors to 80 children enrolled in Grades one to five inclusive for the first time on Monday Nov. 18th.

The children attending this school, with the exception of a couple of families, all live on the east side of Highway 95.

The Golden Star – Nov. 21, 1963.

Tuesday, November 12th was opening day for Golden’s newest business, Golden Billiards. It is owned and operated by Mr. Charlie Lewis, formerly of Ponoka, Alberta, who will reside in Golden.

The building is of cement block construction and is equipped with eight new National billiards tables, and is one of the finest billiard halls in Western Canada.

The Golden Star – Dec. 5, 1963.

Sacred Heart parish hall is practically completed and will be officially opened on Sunday, Dec. 29th by his Excellency, Bishop W.E. Doyle of Nicholson.

A single storey construction, the new hall will house living quarters at the rear as well as the large hall which will be used for parish functions.


Golden Star

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