Remember freedom isn’t free

Hatred towards people is an ugly thing. But hatred in itself is both healthy and necessary if directed at what is evil.

Hatred towards people is an ugly thing. But hatred in itself is both healthy and necessary if directed at what is evil.

In fact a litmus test of whether a person is considered good is if they have the ability to respond rightly to evil.

Because God is righteous, there are seven things he hates; an arrogant look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift to run to evil, a false witness that breathes out lies, and he that breaks up families.

Because God loves the world, he came to earth to expose the evil, pay the fine for our participation in it, and offer amnesty from the day of God’s coming judgment upon it.

In spite of Jesus’ miracles and loving intentions, the Bible records that he was, hated without a cause,  both then and now.

Yet, for those who are thankful for God’s sacrificial love, Jesus asked us to keep a ceremony called Passover so that we would never forget the cost of our freedom and the value God places on human life.

Our remembrance service on Nov. 11 is the same. The same unjustifiable hatred that began World War 1 is on the horizon again.

The same attitudes of censorship that would prevent calling evil what it is are back. Perhaps people don’t realize that the same regimes that seek Israel’s annihilation also seek ours.

Last year we wrote to Prime Minister Stephen Harper to thank him for hosting an anti-semitism conference.

He responded with these words, “Canada was very proud to host this meeting. Please be assured that our government is committed to standing against those who threaten the Jewish people and to combating the spectre of anti-semitism as it spreads.

We have a solemn duty to defend the vulnerable, to challenge the aggressor, to promote human rights and to defend human dignity at home and abroad.” The Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada”

I am thankful for my Jewish savior whose name means salvation. I am also thankful for Canada’s fallen and living heroes who have defended our God given liberties. God will not forget you.

This Nov. 11 let’s gather our children and families together and take the time to remember and vow to stand together so that the past ugliness isn’t allowed to happen again.

Let’s show our thankfulness for freedom, while we remember that freedom isn’t free


Burns Lake Lakes District News