Renowned photographer shares images

Recently published book features photographs of volcanoes in Wells Gray Park and the Cariboo-Chilcotin area.

B.C. has a stunning, volcanic region unknown and unseen by most British Columbians.

Between the ancient volcanic cores and rainforests of the Coastal range and the Cariboo Mountains lies a land largely unchanged since it flowed out of the deep earth. This is the Motherstone. It spans B.C.’s Cariboo, Chilcotin and Clearwater areas.

Chris Harris, an award-winning photographer, dedicates his work to bringing awareness and reverence to the value of nature, biodiversity and the beauty of his home region, the Cariboo Chilcotin.

Harris shares his visual journey of discovery and powerful, impressive images of the Motherstone in a new book, the self-published Motherstone, a collaborative effort with author Harold Rhenisch and scientific consultant Dr.Mary Lou Bevier.

The Enderby & District Arts Council presented Harris and his work Oct. 27 in Cariboo Chilcotin Revealed: A Journey and Slideshow at the Enderby Drill Hall, Highway 97A, Enderby South

Motherstone and other books were available the evening of the slideshow.

Harris’ work can be seen at or in person at his gallery at 105 Mile House.

– Vernon Morning Star


Clearwater Times