Rockin’ and Talking’ with the Clinton Seniors’ Association

Keeping healthy and active will help you no matter what your age

Zee Chevalier

My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, “You’re tearing up the grass.” “We’re not raising grass,” Dad would reply. “We’re raising boys.”

Harmon Killebrew


Father’s Day is June 19, 2016, a day to give dad special attention.

The key to mental health is finding the right balance in life. When the social, physical, emotional, spiritual, and economic aspects of life get out of balance, you may feel stress, or depression. You can help regain balance by:

–  being active

–  talking about your problems

–  practising yoga or breathing exercises

–  making time to do something you enjoy

It’s a good plan to go on vacation. Getting away from it all can help lower your stress, and managing your stress helps reduce your risk for stroke.

Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise five days a week, and add some strength training twice a week if you’re able. It doesn’t matter whether you like walking, swimming, or dancing—choose activities that you enjoy, and don’t be afraid to mix and match. Have fun with fitness this summer!

Exercise can make a dramatic difference to your health. It can help manage blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes, as well as keep your bones and muscles strong. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program to ensure that the activities you plan are appropriate for someone of your age and general health.

The next seniors’ lunch is Thursday, June 9; location to be confirmed.

The next Foot Clinic will be on June 9, 2016 at the Clinton Seniors’ Centre, 217 Smith Avenue. To discuss your foot health, or to book an appointment, call Colleen Thom, RN CAFCN, at 1-250-819-1632.

Cards and games are held on Tuesdays in the Seniors’ centre. Some seniors prefer to play canasta at 1:00 p.m., while others enjoy various other games at 1:30. Come and join the group for a relaxing afternoon and a cup of coffee. Talk among yourselves and decide if you will meet in July and August.

The next regular general meeting of the Clinton Seniors’ Association will be Thursday, June 16 at the Seniors’ centre following a potluck lunch. There will be no meetings in July and August.

Happy Birthday greetings to Yvette May on June 18 and to Eleanor Pigeon on June 26.

“Live your life and forget your age.”

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal