Schell: Perfect time to take a spirited indulgence in chocolates

Robert Louis Stevenson said “wine is bottled poetry” so pair your chocolate treats this Valentine’s Day with something from the vine.

Robert Louis Stevenson said “wine is bottled poetry” so make sure to pair your chocolate treats this Valentine’s Day with something from the vine or fruit tree—preferably either sweet, pink, bubbly or all three.

Discover Wines in Kelowna has shared their Valentines day V-Picks:

• Joie Rose—$20.97

• Gray Monk Rose Brut—$19.99 (regular $26.99)

• Sumac Ridge Sparking Rose—$18.99 (regular $22.99)

• Ancient Hills Rose—$16.95.

Dessert Fruit Wines are a treat especially when paired with chocolate. Rustic Roots Santa Rosa Plum is decadence in a glass. On its own or served with bubbles it makes a gorgeous cocktail.

Or, Forbidden Fruit’s Cerise D’Eve—a gorgeous port-style fortified wine that begs to be served in one of those little chocolate icewine cups. Check their websites to find out where to buy: or

And then there is the chocolate—a must to win the heart of your true love.  My heart would settle for M&M almonds (a shameful truth from a true chocoholic) however, to send me over the moon I would require one of the following:

• Chocolate Brownie Heart from Tasty Treasures Baking Co. 250-860-6129

• Monika’s killer brownies from Okanagan Grocery Artisan Breads 250-862-2811

• My favourite chocolate cake with raspberry sauce from DeBakker’s Kitchen 778-478-0622

• An array of truffles or a Chocolate Love Cake from Sandrine’s French Pastry & Chocolate 250-860-1202

• Huge chocolate dipped macaroon from The Bread Company 250-762-3336.


The liquid chef team at RauDZ Regional Kitchen was kind enough to share this gorgeous cocktail recipe that you can make for your darling at home or enjoy at RauDZ over the Valentine weekend.

Valentines Cocktail: “Meyer Beautiful” (how cute is that?)

Created by RauDZ liquid chef Chris Hall:

1oz Okanagan Spirits Gin

1oz Lillet Blanc

1oz Meyer Lemon Syrup

1oz lemon juice

1 egg white

1 tsp lavender sugar

Combine all ingredients, shake over ice and strain into coupe or martini glass

Garnish with heart shaped dots of Peychaud’s Bitters.

PS: Have you been to Okanagan Spirits new shop downtown? Check it out—gin lovers will be wowed by their version. Take a look at


Picnics scream romance so why not order up a basket full of delicious to present to your lovey for dinner?

Basket Case Picnics has some fabulous meal selections and all the ingredients are organic. The Memory Maker Valentines Baskets are available Feb. 10 through 18 and they need a minimum of 48 hours notice):

Serious Seduction Menu

Appetizer: Crispy phyllo wrapped parmesan prosciutto asparagus straws with lemon aioli

Salad: Signature Sweetheart Salad—baby organic greens, goat cheese, pomegranate, sensuous berries, and toasted pine nut blend, with wild blueberry and fig balsamic vinaigrette

Main: Mini beef wellingtons with roasted garlic mash or Roman chicken with grilled polenta cakes

Dessert: Deconstructed Black Forest cake—Deconstructed desserts involve breaking down a dish into its essential components and then serving the parts as a whole.  In this case, expect a beautifully presented platter of moist sour crème chocolate cake, chocolate fudge, cherry compote and fresh whip crème pots, with a side kick of kirsch—now play. Price is $65. per person.

Kelowna Capital News