The 10th anniversary of the Harrison Hot Springs Social Club was more like a large family reunion than a club event.

The 10th anniversary of the Harrison Hot Springs Social Club was more like a large family reunion than a club event.

Senior Happenings: Social club celebrates 10 years of good times

Many willing hands are needed continually to keep things going


2004 was a very good year for the people of Harrison Hot Springs and friends from neighboring areas: It was the year when the HHS Social Club was started. Not that there was nothing before. People were hiking, singing and having all sorts of fun but, lo and behold, there was no Social Club where people could play card games to their hearts’ content.

Enter Leo Facio, the Mayor, who wasted no time to solve the problem. And so, with the help of three other citizens – Nancy Allison, Suzanne Wright and Jill Moore – created the HHS Social Club which has met since then, once a week at the HHS Memorial Hall.

Over time, more and more people joined, and on April 17 they celebrated their 10th anniversary. According to the guest book, over 40 people attended and the scene resembled more a large family reunion than a club anniversary. Starting as usual at 10 a.m. with games such as canasta, tile rummy, skip-bo or crib, they followed it up at noon with a delicious luncheon.

Mayor Leo Facio, was there and I also spotted two of the original organizers: Nancy Allison and Suzanne Wright. Jill Moore, the third person of the original team, sadly has passed away but, I am sure, many thoughts were with her during the anniversary.

For a group like this however, many willing hands are needed continually to keep things going. Some names that come quickly to my mind are Hilma and Spiro Hilatis, Jackie and John Neville, Lea and Bob Jenkins and Delphine and Fred Gornall. But there are others, I am sure, including the continued support from Facio.

And when Nora, one of the first club members who had to move away at a later time, told me that she’s still missing Harrison Hot Springs terribly, it confirmed my belief that it is people who bring a community to life and give it its soul.

And so, I wish the HHS Social Club all the best for the future, many more years of happy get-togethers and card games in the hundreds!

Agassiz Observer