Seniors can improve health with Taoist Tai Chi

Cross-Canada Seniors Day will take place at Taoist Tai Chi centres all across the country on June 9

Tai Chi part of Seniors Day events across Canada.

Tai Chi part of Seniors Day events across Canada.

The Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism invites seniors to its first Cross-Canada Seniors Day June 9.

Hundreds of seniors and guests will gather in FLK practice halls from the Atlantic to the Pacific, some of them with live two-way video connections, as we launch a campaign to get seniors out of their homes to engage in gentle exercises that can improve balance and flexibility and enhance health and quality of life.

“Taoist Tai Chi arts are good for us at all ages,” said Theresa Fibish, co-leader of FLK’s Vancouver branch and a member of the non-profit, charitable organization’s national seniors committee. “But as we advance into our senior years, practising these arts helps us remarkably by improving our balance and strength, and also by engaging us with other people in purposeful activities such as volunteering and socializing.”

In British Columbia, our Pacific Region Centre in Vancouver will have a two-way video link with four other centres across Canada, and we expect more than 100 seniors to participate in Vancouver alone.

Our Victoria, Nanaimo, Parksville and Southern Interior branches will join in Cross-Canada Seniors Day with one-way video links, and will also welcome interested news media.

“We are not only inviting people who already practise the Taoist Tai Chi arts,” said Fibish, “we are inviting friends, relatives, neighbours, anyone we think would benefit from these arts.”

People who have never tried Tai Chi before will join others at the event who have been enjoying its benefits for decades.

“Being a senior doesn’t mean you’re on the downhill slope of life, or that you can’t continue to improve your health and flexibility,” said Jim Nicholson, a member of FLK’s national board of directors and a senior instructor in Vancouver. “Tai Chi can make you feel healthier and younger, especially when you do it with a community of like-minded people.”

Taoist Tai Chi arts were first taught in Toronto in 1970 by Moy Lin Shin, a Taoist monk. The organization he founded has since spread across Canada and to more than 25 other countries.

Activities begin at 10 a.m. on June 9 with a Tai Chi set, and the national video link will be activated at 10:30. Lunch and more Taoist Tai Chi arts will follow until 4 p.m.

The Southern Interior branch will mark Cross-Canada Seniors Day at our site in Vernon, at 3105-28th St. Call 250-542-1822 for more information.


Vernon Morning Star