SENIORS CORNER: Refined foods devoid of fibre

Most people would benefit from an increase in unrefined plant foods in their diet

Anyone who buys a new vehicle, or even any mechanical device that uses fuel to run, is strongly advised to read the manufacturer’s manual before he or she operates the machine. This manual tells the reader not only how to operate the machine, but what is most important, the kind of fuel, how much, the best quality to use, and many other excellent instructions.

When God made mankind in the Garden of Eden, He gave precise instructions as to man’s work, rest, exercise, and food. He told mankind, “Your food is to be fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains.” He intended man to live forever.

After mankind disobeyed God and sin entered, He added vegetables. Why? Science has proved that the vegetable kingdom is especially helpful in increasing our immunity against all diseases and degeneration of the body’s tissues. For example: The cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower are especially protective against cancer. The allium family of onions, garlic, leeks is helpful in preventing viral diseases like influenza and colds, and protects from cancer and heart disease.

However, when anyone finds out I’ve been a vegetarian, on a plant-eating diet for over 70 years, the first question I’m asked is: “Where do you get your protein?” I have a good question in response: “Where do the elephant, the horse, the ox, and all these strong animals get their protein?” They get it from the grass and a variety of plants. Actually all plants, especially green leafy ones, are loaded with good quality protein.

Meat, which includes fish and fowls, as well as cattle and sheep, is the principal reason for our diseased population. Even milk, eggs, and cheese, are major reasons for disease transmission. Cow’s milk is designed to be the perfect food for rapidly growing calves. A calf is mature in one year. Foods that promotes that rapid growth, also promote cancer growth. Most professionals promote milk for our calcium needs, but greens such as kale and chicory greens have up to four to six times the available calcium that milk products contain.

It has been documented that the higher the animal protein content of the diet, the greater the calcium loss in the urine. We know that when people live mostly on natural plant foods, there is very little osteoporosis and almost no hip fractures in the elderly. It is even common in the last few years to see fractures in sports of the youth due to osteoporosis in our country.

The other major reason for a sick nation is we live mostly on refined foods. Do you realize that research in America has documented that 62 per cent of our food is made up of refined packaged food for quick eating? This refined food is devoid of fibre and contains few vitamins and minerals. Of course, there are some vitamins and minerals that are added so people don’t die of deficiency diseases in a few months. For most people, the diet is 25.5 per cent from dairy and animal sources. Only 12.5 per cent of this commonly eaten diet comes from natural vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and unrefined grains.

Is it any wonder that the authorities cry out that this generation may be the first to die before their parents, and even grandparents?

So the solution in our dilemma is to reverse this malicious trend in our diet.

We should eat 80-90 per cent unrefined plant food, and if we must have eggs, milk, and meat, be sure to have it well cooked, and make it less than 15 per cent of our caloric intake for a happy and healthy long life.

– Submitted by Dr. Hilda Rainda, MD

Mission City Record