Seniors’ Fair returns in 2013

The second Seniors’ Resource Fair to take place Friday, May 31 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Nakusp Arena and Auditorium.

Planned as a kickoff to BC Seniors’ Week (June 2-8) the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) has organized the second Seniors’ Resource Fair to take place Friday, May 31 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Nakusp Arena and Auditorium.

The purpose of this free event is to help seniors and their families to gather information and learn about important community services and businesses which can enhance quality of life and directly benefit older adults . Fair participants will have the opportunity to network personally with service providers and listen to a range of speakers offering important  information on the subject of aging.

The fair also presents a prime  learning opportunity to community residents who are caring for an older adult. As a family caregiver, it is important to learn about all the resources which can assist your parent or relative who are located within any community.

Last year, over 160 people attended the Fair and it is hoped that this year’s event will be equally successful. Based on community feedback and interest, the planning committee has expanded the number of information tables, and a larger and broader range of programs and services will be represented at the fair. New vendors this year will include Canadian Hearing Care from Revelstoke, Medichair from Castlegar and Edward Jones financial specialists from Revelstoke. In addition, alternative health practitioners from Nakusp will be on hand to provide information and offer free acupressure massages and reflexology.

Organizers of the fair have invited speakers to share information about topics important to older adults’ health and wellbeing.  This year, there will be three speakers from out of town and one local presenter. Their presentations include Shannon Paul-Jost, from Lake Country, with “Body, Mind and Spirit:  the Benefits of Physical Activity” at 11 a.m. Half an hour later, Julie Leffelaer will present “Living with Dementia.” Theresa Weatherhead will give a talk at 1 p.m. on “Sexuality and Aging,” and at 1:30 p.m. Keara Farrell will discuss “Hearing Loss and Communication.”

An added feature presented by Interior Health Authority entitled “What’s Your Number?” will provide  free  tests for blood pressure, blood sugar and body mass index which will assist participants in realizing how these test results can  impact on one’s overall health.

Over the lunch hour, there will be a demonstration of armchair yoga and local musicians will entertain  the crowd.

The Ladies’ Auxiliary from the Royal Canadian Legion will once again provide light refreshments  and lunch.  Proceeds from food sales will help support the Legion.  Also, representatives from Nakusp Food bank will be on hand to encourage all attendees to bring a non-perishable item for donation to the Food bank.

Just like last year, there will be an abundant supply of “free stuff” to give away to participants including a range of door prizes donated to the Fair courtesy of local businesses.

In addition to funding from CBAL, the planning group received support this year from Age Friendly BC, which is a source administered by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM).  Planning support in order to organize the Fair was also received courtesy of the Village of Nakusp, Burton Seniors’ Association, Nakusp Seniors’ Association, Nakusp Health Care Auxiliary and many community members who are interested in the well-being of older adults.  For information contact Liz Gillis, 265-3538, or Ann Barrington, 265-4757.


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