SENIORS’ HEALTH: Abuse, neglect best left up to professionals

Lending support without judgment ideal approach with senior loved ones.

  • Jan. 26, 2016 8:00 a.m.

The Seniors Health Network each month poses a question to health-care professionals. This month, the following hypothetical question was posed to Louise Tremblay, BC Association of Community Response Networks:

“I have an elderly aunt who lives by herself in White Rock. I see her from time to time but I live in the Okanagan. The last time I visited, she didn’t seem to be taking care of herself very well, there wasn’t much food in the house, her clothes were dirty and the house was unkempt. There is also a gardener who seems to be spending a lot of time at the house and I think she may be giving him money. I’m worried she is being taken advantage of. What can I do to help?”

The observations you made during your recent visit with your aunt could be signs that she is somewhere on the continuum of experiencing abuse, neglect and self-neglecting.

I surmise by your comments that wearing dirty clothes, having dirty surroundings and lacking food are out of character for her. These observations, compounded with the fact that the gardener seems to hang out at her house, give you concern that something is not right.

First of all, I’m glad that you are trying to help, because all too often people look the other way when they suspect abuse. That being said, the best way to help is to be with the person, as opposed to fixing the problem or avoiding it altogether.

How do you do that?

Now that you observed what could be the signs of abuse and self-neglect, the next step would be to check your assumptions with your aunt in a caring, non-judgmental manner. Pick a time when she’s alone to call her, or visit her and engage her in conversation.

You could ask, “Auntie, you don’t seem yourself, is everything OK?”

Then wait for the answer. If she doesn’t have one, don’t force it.

If she discloses, lend your support and, again, withhold judgment.

Be careful, though. This conversation can be tricky because if she perceives you to be judgmental, she might shut down to preserve her relationship with her friend or conceal some health issues.

Further, it’s important to remember that, assuming they have the cognitive capacity, adults have the right to live at risk.

On the other hand, if you suspect your aunt is experiencing diminishing capacities or physical restraints, contact Fraser Health at 1-866-437-1940; or if you think she is in danger, call 911.

Under Part III of the Adult Guardianship Act, the Health Authority and Community Living BC are the designated agencies responsible to investigate reports of abuse, neglect and self-neglect. Representatives of these agencies have the skills to investigate reports and can take the necessary steps to provide assistance.

Abuse, neglect and self-neglect are complex issues that depend on the individuals and how they relate to their environment. Leave the solution to the professionals. For more info, go to or email me at

The South Surrey White Rock Seniors Health Network is a coalition of service providers working under the auspices of the Mayor of White Rock’s office. For info on resources, visit If you have a question for publication, please email

Peace Arch News