Queen Silver Star candidates Cassia Swartz and Micah Tumlinson with some of the gifts collected by residents and staff at Coldstream Meadows to give to a senior family in need.

Queen Silver Star candidates Cassia Swartz and Micah Tumlinson with some of the gifts collected by residents and staff at Coldstream Meadows to give to a senior family in need.

Seniors helping seniors

At Coldstream Meadows Retirement Community, staff and residents have rallied around for a senior family in need

Editor’s note: The following is from Coldstream Meadows Retirement Community.

Christmas is a time for giving. We often think of children and toys at Christmas time.

“The children were nestled all snug in their beds;

While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.”

This Christmas, visions of lonely and needy seniors  danced in the heads of the residents and staff of Coldstream Meadows Retirement Community.

Nexus provided an opportunity to turn the vision around, giving details of a senior family who would appreciate and enjoy some Christmas cheer.

The spirit of the season was shared at Coldstream Meadows with our second Seniors helping Seniors project.

Residents purchased items they thought this particular senior family would enjoy, everything from cozy blankets to socks and homemade mittens and hats. Together with our two Queen Silver Star candidate volunteers, Cassia Swartz and Micah Tumlinson, we enjoyed wrapping the presents and preparing the food hamper.

A gift card, presents and food hamper were delivered to a Vernon senior family.

Christmas 2013 brings a new vision: “The seniors were nestled all snug in their beds; while visions of special presents and turkey dinner danced in their heads.”

Merry Christmas to all!


Vernon Morning Star