ShakeOut increases earthquake awareness

It has been a year since the Haiti earthquake and the B.C. Earthquake Alliance continues its efforts to organize an annual, province-wide earthquake drill to be held Jan. 26 at 10 a.m.

  • Jan. 18, 2011 8:00 a.m.

It has been a year since the Haiti earthquake and the B.C. Earthquake Alliance continues its efforts to organize an annual, province-wide earthquake drill to be held Jan. 26 at 10 a.m.

More than 250,000 B.C. residents are registered to participate in the drill, which is intended to increase public awareness of the earthquake hazard in B.C.

“We have learned from the Haitian earthquake and similar events around the world that an increased awareness about what to do during an earthquake can reduce injuries and deaths,” said Heather Lyle, co-chair of the ShakeOut B.C. organizing committee.

During the drill, participants will be asked to follow the internationally recognized Drop, Cover and Hold On protocol for up to two minutes:

n Drop to the ground (before the earthquake drops you)

n Take cover by getting under a sturdy desk or table

n Hold on to it until the shaking stops

The organizing committee encourages individuals and organizations to register at to be counted in the drill and learn more about emergency preparedness.

A 60-second video to help initiate and facilitate the drill can be downloaded from

Vernon Morning Star