Dick Clegg prepares to band one of three young owls in a barn in Chilliwack. See this owlet, plus two more, hissing in the video below.

Dick Clegg prepares to band one of three young owls in a barn in Chilliwack. See this owlet, plus two more, hissing in the video below.

SLIDE SHOW: Chilliwack Progress photos for the week of June 3, 2013

This photographic slide show features Chilliwack Progress images for the week of June 3, 2013.

This photographic slide show features Chilliwack Progress images taken and/or published during the week of June 3, 2013.

View the images in a larger format on Flickr.

You can purchase these photos and more. For more info, email photojournalist Jenna Hauck at photo@theprogress.com.


Chilliwack Progress