Small gestures add up to big romance

this Valentine’s Day, you can spoil your loved one without spending a fortune

(NC) – Valentine’s Day is here, and men everywhere are breaking into a cold sweat. They’ve bought into the fallacy that romance equals money. But it’s not too late, and when we think of the most romantic and breathtaking stories of romance, they almost never involve flying off to Europe or drinking the most expensive champagne. It’s usually small gestures like holding hands, kissing in the rain, or simply stargazing that we remember.

Opportunities for romance exist just about anywhere, and this Valentine’s Day, you can spoil your loved one without spending a fortune, like this:

1. Be savvy, not cheap. Buy flowers that are in season or shop around for deals and avoid delivery charges by buying locally.

2. Write your loved one a romantic letter and place it under their pillow. Or, write multiple love notes and post them throughout the house. Write something romantic on the bathroom mirror too.

3. Make “love coupons”. These are really up to your imagination. You can include coupons for a passionate kiss, a favourite meal, breakfast out, or a massage.

4. Take a walk down memory lane and visit some of the special places from your early days of dating.

5. Recreate your partner’s favourite romantic movie scene.

6. Pretend you’re going on a first date. Show up at the door with flowers, dressed up, with your car washed and cleaned. Re-live the first time.

7. Prepare strawberries with fondue chocolate.

8. Cook a romantic dinner together or enjoy take-out by candlelight.

9. Hold hands and walk to a scenic area that has lots of pretty lights.

10. Make the world a better place together. Purchase a small gift like a bag of rice for just $10 through a non-profit organization like Christian Children’s Fund of Canada ( and help fight poverty around the world.

11. Create a visual scrapbook of your everyday life together.

12. If you are feeling really creative, write a short story and make sure you and your partner are the lead characters destined to find love. Each year together, you can add a new chapter to the story.




Barriere Star Journal