So long Burns Lake, I will miss you all

It has been my pleasure to be a part of this area for 40 years now.

  • Aug. 31, 2011 6:00 a.m.

It has been my pleasure to be a part of this area for 40 years now.

For many of those years I wrote columns and news items in the Lakes District News and I loved that opportunity.

I made many friends throughout the communities, especially with the children, for I enjoyed teaching piano and dancing with many of them.

Those dance reviews and piano recitals were great fun.

It is with mixed emotions that I pass on the word that I am leaving Burns Lake and returning to my native land, the United States.

With me I take many glorious memories of times shared at Wistaria Hall, participation in various activities from the Burns Lake Public Library to the Citizens on Patrol Society, from fairs to Northern Health, Alzheimer support groups, arts councils, teaching workshops at the College of New Caledonia, Heritage Manor and in my home.

These times are not over, they have just shifted their location a bit.

I wish you all many happy seasons ahead of you. If you plan on traveling South, let me know. I’ll be off Highway I-5 and not far North of the California border.

I’ll be around here until early September. Watch for the ads of my gigantic garage sale. My new email address after Sept. 15 will be:

I would love to hear from you and I will return to visit, too. Maybe even have a new book to present.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Until next time …


Burns Lake Lakes District News