Somatics helps movement

Residents experiencing chronic pain can learn how Somatics could help them.

  • Jan. 13, 2011 7:00 a.m.

Residents experiencing chronic pain can learn how Somatics could help them.

The Comox Valley Chronic Pain Support Group will host Joanie Chestnut on Jan. 18 for a presentation and demonstration of Somatics, a gentle, effective approach to rediscovering healthy movement.

Chestnut is a Courtenay-based registered massage therapist who obtained her designation as a certified applied Somatic educator in September.

Chestnut has incorporated Somatics into her practice of massage therapy over the past five years with positive results, says the nursing centre.

Somatics is a term used to describe a system to release muscular tension using exercise and awareness. Slow, gentle, mindful movements help restore voluntary control to muscles that can result in improved posture, pain relief, increased freedom of movement and a sense of well-being.

There is a hands-on application of Somatics in the clinical setting, as well as movement patterns than can be taught as homework to support private treatments or for groups in a class setting.

An emphasis on breathing and awareness and exploring the possible range of movement make this approach available to everyone whatever their ability or limitation.

“It is a pleasure to offer this to the Comox Valley Nursing Centre, whose work in the area of chronic pain support and education has made a huge impact on the lives of many people and has inspired many therapists,” said Chestnut. “Somatics is a great fit for the program that the centre offers.”

Chestnut’s presentation takes place Jan. 18 at the Comox Valley Nursing Centre at 615 10th St. in Courtenay from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

To register, call the centre’s volunteer desk at 250-331-8504, ext. 38115.

— Comox Valley Nursing Centre

Comox Valley Record