Space Luke needs your vote

Luke Davis of Vernon is looking to move up to number one in the Axe Apollo space contest

Luke Davis tries on a space suit for size and is asking for votes in the Axe Apollo space contest, where the winner gets to attend space camp in Orlando, Fla.

Luke Davis tries on a space suit for size and is asking for votes in the Axe Apollo space contest, where the winner gets to attend space camp in Orlando, Fla.

After enduring the spiciest of chicken wings and frolicking in cold, wet mud, Luke Davis is up for his latest challenge, all in an effort to get to first place in the Axe Apollo space contest.

If he wins, the Vernon resident and father of four will head to space camp in Orlando, Fla. There are 22 countries involved in the contest, and two Canadians will be selected to attend camp, while one of the two will enjoy a 103-KM ride into space on a Lynx Mark 2 experimental jet.

When he entered the contest several months ago, Davis put the following question on his Twitter page,  “What do I have to do to get your vote to go to space.”

All of his wild antics have been filmed and posted to his YouTube page at and his latest will involve tucking into a traditional Filipino dish of balut, which is a duck embryo that is boiled and eaten in the shell.

“My friend Bernie put out the challenge to the Filipino community and told me that if he gets me 500 votes, I have to eat balut,” said Davis, who is up for the challenge if it gets him the votes.

Nicknamed “Space Luke” by his Kal Tire co-workers, Davis recently took part  in some space preparation with a ride in the gyro chair at the Okanagan Science Centre.

Now in 58th spot, he’s  hoping the next few weeks will see him rise to the top. Vote for Davis at Voting ends Aug. 31


Vernon Morning Star