Spinach a fantastic vegetable for a variety of dishes

Hot spinach salad is a great dish and as we leave spring behind today, summertime arrives tomorrow, a time for fresh produce and herbs.

Hot spinach salad is a great dish and as we leave spring behind today, summertime arrives tomorrow, a time for fresh produce and herbs.

Spinach is a vegetable cultivated for its leaves.

It is of Persian origin.

It was unknown to the Romans and transplanted to Europe by the Moors.

It has been greatly improved by cultivation.

There are several methods in which to cook spinach depending upon one’s taste.

About 15 years ago a friend introduced me to fried spinach and my first impression before eating the dish, was yuck … whoever ate fried spinach.

It should be steamed or boiled. After eating the fried spinach I discovered my first impressions were wrong because doing this tasty vegetable, fried, was indeed a different taste…one that I enjoyed.

A lot of people only use spinach in a salad without the benefit of steaming, parboiling or frying.

It’s all on preference I suspect, but don’t let fear and common sense hold you back when someone offers you fried spinach…go for it.

Here are a couple of different spinach recipes you will enjoy.

Spinach in Cream

Chop spinach and then fry in butter in a pan.

When all the moisture has evaporated, add fresh cream.

A cream sauce may also be used.

Hot Spinach Salad

• One pound fresh young spinach

• One quarter cup sliced green onions

• One quarter cup balsamic vinegar

• Two hard boiled eggs sliced

• Four slices of bacon

• Sweetner to taste

• Salt and pepper to taste

Chop bacon and fry until crisp, add vinegar, seasoning and sweetner. Heat to boiling and pour quickly over spinach mixture then toss until spinach is wilted.

Top with sliced eggs for decoration.

Look what spinach did for Popeye!

Bye for now and good cooking.

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Weekend Advisor.


Williams Lake Tribune