Stingers to people who pull u turns in the middle of the road.
Stars to Overwaitea for donating the ice for the senior social event.
A box full of stingers to some people who are like a box of old old photos, all negatives. Take the negatives turn them into positives.
Stars to Little Mittens and Columbia Basin Trust for their Spay and Neuter program. Every cat and kitten thanks you.
Stars to Reed and the woman at the front desk at the Golden Golf Course who went out of their way to take my son on the golf cart on his birthday and gave him a drink.
Stingers to all the mosquitos. Isn’t that mosquito program working?
Stingers to the person who “borrowed” the tin off of the stage roof that belongs to the horse club.
Stars to the person who will anonymously donate money to the horse club for the time they “borrowed.”
Musical Stars to Kicking Horse Culture and the town of Golden for their free Summer Kicks concerts.
Stars to the drunks that walk home from the bar…it’s better than the alternative!