Stars and Stingers: Sept. 11

Stars to the Golden Swimming Pool for all of their help with the Special Olympics Swim Program.

  • Sep. 12, 2013 6:00 p.m.

Stars to Jon Simms for being the best!




Stars to the Golden Swimming Pool for all of their help with the Special Olympics Swim Program.




Stingers to the guy who subjects the neighbours who live by Eleven 22 to his crappy singing at 3 a.m.




Stingers to the drivers who go 20 below the speed limit on the highway. If you can’t maintain the speed limit with perfect road conditions, you shouldn’t be on the road.




Stars to the Golden Sound Festival organizers for putting on a great festival despite all the road bumps.




Stingers to the customers who were being rude to the cashiers who were trying to fix their tills after the power outage. They were trying their best, and it’s not like they were doing it on purpose.




Stars to the responsible pet owners who clean up after their dogs. There aren’t enough of you.




Stars to all the concerned motorists who helped the crash victims on the Trans Canada Highway.




Stingers to the bikers who speed down the sidewalk downtown, making people jump out of the way.


Golden Star