Step up to the Eat Local Challenge

Have you been talking about the 50 Mile Diet or the 25 Mile Diet?

Well, on Tuesday, June 16, you can join the fourth annual Cowichan Eat Local Challenge. Organizers at Transition Cowichan and Cowichan Green Community are asking everyone to step up and conduct your own real life experiment in eating locally by pledging to eat only local, Vancouver Islandgrown, -raised or -fished food for 24 hours: midnight to midnight.

It’s a chance to reconnect with where food comes from and experience how local food can be cheaper, more varied, tastier and healthier than standard shippedin supermarket fare.

And they’ve got relief for worried coffee addicts. As a part of the challenge, each family member can choose one food from beyond the island to include in the day’s diet – a favourite spice, coffee or tea, olive oil. It must be something small enough to not dilute your experience of what eating a wholly local diet is like, though.

Are you already hooked on local food? Why not stretch yourself by going even more local on June 16th?

If you’re in, there’s fun involved, too.

Participants can end the day by gathering at Cowichan Green Community’s annual general meeting at the Christian Reform Church for an All-Local-Food Potluck from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. In addition you can hear guest speakers Ann and Gord Baird, who walk the talk of sustainable living in their multi-generational super eco-friendly home.

Cowichan Valley Citizen