Stork Report: New arrivals

Babies born to North Okanagan parents March 14 to May 24; baby boy born to Sean and Melanie Dawson, baby girl to Amanda and Ben Williamson

  • May. 30, 2014 1:00 p.m.

March 14: Born to Sean and Melanie (Styles) Dawson of Calgary, a boy, 7 lbs. 12 oz., named Sylas Christopher Dawson. A brother for Asher, 2 1/2. A grandson for Mel and Donna Styles of Armstrong, B.C.; Steve and Gail Dawson, Howie Selby, Lucille Blair, all of London, Ont. A great-grandson for Jessie Styles of Vernon, B.C.; Ruthie Dawson of London, Ont.

April 26: Born to Wayne and Amy Zahara of Vernon, a girl, 7 lbs., named Abigail Pauline. A sister for Austin, 2. A granddaughter for Pauline Auline, Dave Auline, both of Langley, B.C.; Ed and Colleen Zahara of Vernon, B.C. A great-granddaughter for Johanna Zahara of Vernon.

May 17: Born to Ben and Amanda (Bedard) Williamson of Fort McMurray, Alta. (formerly of Vernon), a boy, 8 lbs. 1 oz., named Jettlen Darrell Thomas Williamson. A grandson for Shelley Bedard and Darrell Rahier, Tom and Doris Williamson, all of Vernon, B.C.

May 21: Born to Taylor and Kim Dedora of Vernon, a girl, 7 lbs. 8 oz., named Sophie Lauren Elizabeth. A granddaughter for Liz Nixon, Rick Dedora, both of Vernon, Grant and Laurie Fisher of Victoria, B.C.

May 22: Born to Ryon and Trina Devine of Vernon, a boy, 8 lbs. 11 oz., named Nolen Lee. A brother for Evan, 2 1/2. A grandson for Debra and Terry Krause of Vernon, B.C.; Don and Delcie Devine of Burnaby, B.C.

May 23: Born to Colton Bennett and Shyann Labelle of Enderby, a boy, 8 lbs. 4 oz., named Roman Keith Bennett. A grandson for Keith and Jen Bennett of Enderby, B.C.; Nikki Labelle of Kamloops, B.C. A great-grandson for Cindy and Ken Quinlan of Grindrod, B.C.; Nelson Lamb of Surrey, B.C.

May 23: Born to Peter and Tara Lewis of Vernon, a boy, 6 lbs. 12 oz., named Benson Edward. A grandson for Roberta Lewis of Kelowna, B.C.; Debora Cameron of Camrose, Alta. A great-grandson for Bill Lewis of Nanaimo, B.C.; Oliver Fabis of Parksville, B.C; Walter and Myrtle McNary of Camrose, Alta.

May 24: Born to Michael and Heather Penno of Vernon, a boy, 7 lbs. 10 oz., named Bentley Michael Edward Penno. A brother for MacKenzie. A grandson for Ed and Elizabeth Penno of Vernon, B.C.; Ralph and Barb Hack, Evelyn Johnsen, all of Chilliwack, B.C. A great-grandson for Irene Hack of Surrey, B.C.; Lars and Ingred Johnsen of Washington, United States.


Vernon Morning Star