Stork Report: New arrivals

Babies born to parents in the North Okanagan between Jan. 18, 2016 and Feb. 15, 2016

  • Feb. 19, 2016 7:00 p.m.

Jan. 18: Born to Deena and Mark Morgan of Vernon a girl, 6 lbs. 3 oz. named Sophie Maria Lace. A granddaughter for Patricia and Donald Bock-Philipps of Vernon, B.C; the late Delphine and Anthony Morgan of Armstrong, B.C.

Feb. 1: Born to James and Jodi Bariesheff of Vernon, a boy, 6 lbs. 12 oz., named Nathan James. A grandson for Randy and Jill Benz, Paul and Sandy Bariesheff, all of Vernon.

Feb. 1: Born to Daniel and Trina Nash of Coldstream, a boy, 8 lbs. 5 oz., named Jack David. A grandson for David and Jacqueline Senger of Vernon, B.C.; Mary Margaret Kelly of Comox, B.C.; John Nash of Seaforth, Ont. A great-grandson for Lance and Sadie Trottier of Vernon.

Feb. 1: Born to Brennan and Patricia Dyck of Lumby, a girl, 7 lbs. 14 oz., named Marcella Rebecca. A sister for Angus, 2. A granddaughter for Alan and Barb Dyck of Lavington, B.C.; Rita and Albert Eberhard of Lumby, B.C. A great-granddaughter for Rita Marty of Näfels, GL, Switzerland.

Feb. 2: Born to Bryan and Jill Bateman of Coldstream, B.C., a boy, 5 lbs., named Porter Metro. A grandson for Don and Michelle Rozka, Mark and Roxie Bateman, all of Vernon, B.C.

Feb. 2: Born to Matthew and Nikole Huston of Vernon, B.C., a girl, 8 lbs. 11 oz., named Denali Roselene Huston. A sister for Cheyenne, 4. A granddaughter for Chris Terry of Vernon; Shirley Huston, Mike Huston, both of Armstrong, B.C. A great-granddaughter for Derek Hopkin of England, Sherma Huston of Vernon.

Feb. 3: Born to Brandon and Stacy Thacker of Vernon, a girl, 8 lbs., named Nora Elliot Rose. A sister for Nixon, 5. A granddaughter for Carolyn and Adrian Thacker of Vernon, B.C.; Amy Gordon of Nanaimo, B.C. A great-granddaughter for Judith and Robert Thacker of West Kelowna, B.C.; Richard Oliver of Victoria, B.C.

Feb. 7: Born to Paul and Heather Philps of Vernon, a girl, 8 lbs. 4 oz., named Hadley Davina-Ann. A sister for McKinley, 2. A granddaughter for Bob and Bonnie Davidson of Vernon, B.C.; Dennis and Marlene Philps of Edmonton, Alta.; the late May Philps. A great-granddaughter for Doris Davidson of Vernon.

Feb. 7: Born to Dallan and Shawna Brocker of Vernon, B.C., a boy, 6 lbs. 6 oz., named Nash James. A brother for Lincoln, 2. A grandson for Mark and Barb Orton of Abbotsford, B.C.; Steve and Wendy Brooker of Terrace, B.C. A great-grandson for William Orton of Kamloops, B.C.; Reg and Nadine Brazeau of Quesnel, B.C.; Roy and Laurette Brooker of Trail, B.C.

Feb. 15: Born to Karli Mazu and Allie Yarish of Vernon, a boy, 6 lbs. 13 oz., named Hudson Alexander Yarish. A grandson for Tralee and Glen Mazu of Vernon, B.C.; Tammy and Dave Yarish of Lumby, B.C.


Vernon Morning Star