Certified personal trainer Rhonda Catt works with clients Aaron Volpatti and Stefan Schneider work on core training movements for anti-rotation.

Certified personal trainer Rhonda Catt works with clients Aaron Volpatti and Stefan Schneider work on core training movements for anti-rotation.



  • Jul. 24, 2011 3:00 p.m.

Abdominal training is a key point in most fitness programs. Either to gain the six-pack, lose the inches or achieve that flat tummy, no matter what, it is usually at the top of the list.

The basic style of abdominal training you may see are floor-based exercises and usually higher rep ranges. The crunches, the oblique twist movements or rotational patterns, the tools such as the BOSU and stability balls are the general focus for fitness enthusiasts.

Changing your way of thinking will help you create a stronger and more stable centre or core.

This core craze that has taken the fitness industry by storm has also confused a lot of people! First came the “drawing in” like you are pulling your belly button toward your spine.

Then came the instruction of more of a “bracing” pattern. This bracing pattern is very normal for most people when loading, lifting and performing sport movements. If you are familiar with these terms or not, it comes down to understanding what the true function of what our core does and not what a traditional muscle function textbook says.

When we look at the function of this area we know it is meant to prevent and resist movement. Spine stability is crucial for injury prevention and successful life and sport performance. You may already be familiar with plank patterns such as front and side planks. These deliver a high level challenge for stability with many progression levels and are a great addition to any program.

Think about movements in sport…throwing a soccer ball and having the ability to resist and decelerate the preload of the throw. Are you able to resist and control that extension while throwing? Rotational patterns while skating, sprinting or playing tennis, are you able to control the rotational pattern? Are you training in a way that mimics true function such as anti rotation or are you performing crunches until the cows come home?

This article provides the wake-up call that what you may be doing for abdominals, crunches, oblique twists etc, may be missing the mark. Train to resist movement and you’ll be on your way to a strong and stable core!

If you have questions regarding this article please contact rhonda@cattconditioning.com

Rhonda Catt is a certified personal trainer in the North Okanagan and co-owner of Excel Fitness.

Vernon Morning Star