Dacey Chaluck completed a school year of hard work with an exhibition of her art at Golden Secondary School on June 14.

Dacey Chaluck completed a school year of hard work with an exhibition of her art at Golden Secondary School on June 14.

Student showcases art at GSS

Golden Secondary School (GSS) was the site for special exhibition of the unique works of art created by Dacey Chaluck on June 14.

Golden Secondary School (GSS) was the site for special exhibition of the unique works of art created by Dacey Chaluck on June 14.

Chaluck is a GSS student who has spent the last year working on the pieces in the show.

“I took an independent study class for art this year. I have been working on different pieces throughout the year to become a better artist,” she said. “It has been going really well. I have learned a lot about different mediums and facial studies.”

Chaluck showed 11 pieces at the show which encompassed many different styles of expression.

“I did not consciously make it a variety of pieces. It just so happened that all the ones I like happen to be different. I like them because they are unique.”

She went on an said she finds inspiration from stories and her thoughts.

“I have a couple of Doctor Who inspired pieces. Then just things from my head or things I see in books. Art is forever. I have been drawing since I could hold a pencil. Why would I stop?”

Even though she feels art is a part of who she is, Chaluck did admit preparing for the show was a great challenge.

“Sometimes you have an art block and it can be hard work to finish a piece you have already started. Most of the time it is too fun to call it school,”  she said. “It was a little weird realizing I was going to have this show at first but I like talking about my inspiration with people and showing them how I see things.”


Golden Star